Sunday, 5 June 2011
How do you change your attitude when it is so hard to do?
Anyone got advise how you change your attitude towards your boyfriend%26#039;s friend who you despise and dislike intensely cause he has attitude of note, bad influence on a person who is trying to change? I cant be false and my boyfriend wont see this and expects me to be polite and i cant be.|||You get Christians who have eternal life to pray for you and if you can, ask God to forgive all your past and future sins and to help you change to obey him out of love. You should know that if you can make that sincere prayer, it was because God has begun to change you to become good already. You should also read God%26#039;s word regularly from multiple translations since none are perfect, and ask God to open your eyes to be able to understand his word, and read what Christians with eternal life, who are wise in God%26#039;s word, have to teach about the verses you read. You can find out the rest of the important details on how to do this from my profile, from the bottom link.|||Your attitude is a reflection of your beliefs, which define your personality. Don%26#039;t change it, just find people that can live with it. If they can%26#039;t then **** them.|||Be as polite as you can or tell your boyfriend you just dont want his friend to be around at places you are at but he can hangout with him any other time.|||well i think if you are constantly reminded to do so then it will become a habit, like have your boyfriend remind you like by using a signal like touching your shoulder when your not being polite so that you know to stop|||Know that stupid and stuborn start with the same three letters. Put a real big smile on your face when you see him. He will wonder why and you win.