People say you have to change your lifestyle and eating habits to become the fitter and slimmer person you want to be. And so you don%26#039;t go back to eating all the wrong stuff again. How do you do this? How do you change your lifestyle when you%26#039;re so used to eating pizza, chocolate, crisps? How can you ignore the cravings you get after your body is used to getting them? How do you lose all the weight and then keep it off by not going back?
Please help, I want to change my lifstyle and attitude, lose the weight and NEVER go back. I just want some pointers. My dream is to play football again, go hiking and be able to run without looking stupid! lol. Any information you have will be helpful. Thanks in advance for your time.|||It takes willpower and determination.
You have to really want it.
But you have to also realise that the longer yuo stick with it, the easier it gets.
I changed my lifestyle in September when I started to feel pains in my chest.
This scared me. I thought I was going to die.
I knew then that if I didn%26#039;t change my ways immediately, I would die.
And I knew exactly what I had to do to avoid dying.
I changed my lifestyle overnight. Started eating healthy. Threw my chip pan in the bin and bought a steamer and George Foreman grill. I stocked up on fresh veg, fish and salads.
I took up a hobby that got me some execise, cycling.
For the first month, it was hard, and the cravings were difficult to fight, but I knew my life depended on my being strong, so that got me through it.
After the first month, it became easier. And every week after that it got a easier still. Now, I don%26#039;t feel the cravings at all, and I actually prefer the healthy food over the nasty old greasy fried crap.
You can try a lot of tricks to make things easier.
If you%26#039;re feeling empty, hollow or hungry, drink a big glass of water. This fills you up and makes you feel bloated.
If you%26#039;re craving the actual act of eating, have celery, carrots, fruit or something like that.
If you%26#039;re craving the flavour of pizza or your favourite junk food, there%26#039;s a trick you can use to fool yourself.
It sounds ridiculous, but it really does work.
Get a piece of celery or carrot or something like that, and get a picture of the food you%26#039;re craving.
Now concentrate on that picture and think about what it tastes like.
Now, hold your nose and eat the celery while holding your nostrils pinched shut.
By pinching your nose shut, you suppress your olfactory receptors ability to actually determine the flavour of the food you%26#039;re eating.
By thinking about the flavour you want while chewing, you fool your brain into replacing the missing flavour with the one you%26#039;re thinking about.
It really does work.
Try some mental mind games.
For example, every time you hear your stomach rumbling, visualise a big yellow JCB inside your belly, with the digger part of it scooping out big bucketloads of fat from your belly.
Eventually, you%26#039;ll start to crave the stomach rumbling sensations more than the craving for food.
Lastly, get a photo album and a digital or polaroid camera. Any sort of camera that allows you to make photos without anyone else seeing them.
One day a week, undress right down to your underwear and take a photo of yourself.
Now put that photo in your album and put the date beside it.
Do this at the same time every week, and after a few months you%26#039;ll be able to open the photo album and actually see your body improving in shape before your very eyes.
This is a huge incentive to keep up the good hard work.
Keep the photo album private if you%26#039;re shy or embarassed about letting others see you in your undies. After all, it%26#039;s got nothing to do with anyone else. It%26#039;s for your eyes only.
Most importantly, keep in a positive frame of mind, and try to keep your mind active. If you%26#039;re busy and doing stuff, you%26#039;ll be less likely to start thinking about snacking.
Good luck with it.|||I used to be hooked on fast food, soda, and chocolate. I found and it has helped me a lot. The entire website is dedicated to helping you make a lifestyle change. I haven%26#039;t had fast food or soda in quite some time now and once a week I allow myself to have a small piece of chocolate so that I don%26#039;t feel like I%26#039;m going through withdrawal. Good luck and I hope this helps!|||I did it. I was the biggest junk food junkie around. I ate fast foods for all 3 meals, and ate sweets as snacks in between.
It took about 2 weeks of forcing myself to change, before it started to become natural to me to eat right.
Just stick to it. After a while, it will become part of %26quot;the new you%26quot;.
Good Luck!!!|||Well cravings are caused by two factors.... What our body wants and what our brain wants.... Like with smoking... The physical addiction to nicotine stops after only 48 hours... After the first 2 days its all habit from there.... (remeber that you smokers who can%26#039;t quit... It really is all in your head....) The same goes for food... Except on a slightely more complex level....
You%26#039;re best way is to target what tastes you like and find a healthy alternative... If you like sweets eat more fruits... Fruits have a lot of natural sugars in them.... Keep in mind.... Moderation.....
Try to limit what you buy at the grocerry store... Out of house, out of body.... If you want cookies bake your own... It%26#039;s a little healthier and if you actually have to work to make them you are less liekyl to impulsively eat them....
Try some pilates also... Its a great core workout program that can be extended to most of your body... It%26#039;s easy to do and it can be tailored to different levels....
To help with this give yourself an indulgance.... Allow yourself that bowl of ice cream after the first 10 pounds.... Little treats along the way help motivation...
Keep in mind that the weight wont just fall of after the first couple weeks... Sometimes you will experience a lrapid weight loss... This is mainly water.... After that its a little slower, but don%26#039;t get discouraged.... While dropping fat your body will be building areas of muscle.... It%26#039;s almost a 1 step back 2 steps forward process... Yuo%26#039;ll get there eventually....
Take a picture of what you look like now.... Circle your problem areas.... Scan it and pirnt it out so you have a large copy... Put it on your fridge... or in your pantry.... Next time you want something you know you shouldn%26#039;t eat look at the picture.....
Plan your meals.... It%26#039;s easier to calory watch if you plan a head....
Do positive affirmations.... %26quot;I am skinny...%26quot; %26quot;I can see the piunds dropping off....%26quot;
Motivation is the key... and Keeping it going....
ADDENDUM: Keep a progress diary.... Write down your weight, measurements, current diet.... so on and so forth....
Then write down a workout routien the you%26#039;ll follow... Write down your grocery lists.... See what you%26#039;re eating.... Every other week weigh yourself.... Write it down..... then whenever you feel discouraged you can look back and say... hey... I lost 23 pounds... I didn%26#039;t realize that.... Put some positive mantras in there....|||Yes, it is possible. You%26#039;ve just got to want it.
When it became apparent that there was hereditory heart disease in my family, I changed my diet to drastically reduce my fat intake and ensured I exercised in a way to benefit my heart.
This is now my normal lifestyle and has been for nearly 20 years, the notion that it is something different or a change only lasts a short time while you are in transition. Cravings too are only short term, with good nutrition they can be minimised. Like I said after a while it stops being something different and just becomes what is normal.
From small acorns do great oaks grow... and similar sayings. A little at a time will get you well on the way to a change for the better. I threw away my frying and chip pans. Everything gets grilled now. That in itself can make a big difference to your overall fat and calorie intake.
The only thing stopping you from getting what you want is you! Good luck!|||I would suggest you to read this article about Mediterranean eating lifestyle.
www best-fat-burn-strategies com/Mediterranean_diet
As well as to read about natural foods (please, don%26#039;t mention this is under the topic detox diets)
www best-fat-burn-strategies com/detox_diets
I do believe this will help you. And just a remark: pizza, chocolate, crisps are not bad. You just have to eat them not every day or .. week.
Very good question!|||Of course it%26#039;s possible. Many people do it. But many more can%26#039;t because they cannot muster the inner strength -- the commitment, determination, and will-power necessary to change. The only one who can effect change in you is you. Many people are in a big hurry, and when they don%26#039;t see rapid change they assume they%26#039;re failing and then give up. Build yourself a lifetime strategy of healthy eating and exercise and you can do it!
You needn%26#039;t do it alone, and there are lots of resources around to help and support you. Look into Weight Watchers or a similar program that will give you tools, resources, and support.
And remember: winning the challenge of permanent weight loss and a healthy lifestyle is a long-term proposition. The prize of success always goes to the tortoise, never the hare.|||Okay - start slow, walk around the block every day. Focus on losing a LB a week, more then that is just water and will come back fast.
Look at the reason why your life style effects your eating habits. - Some times is it psychological. Depression will keep you out of shape. Eating and inactivity can be caused by emotional, if you don%26#039;t want to get out of bed or go for a walk because you %26quot;feel%26quot; tired, it actually maybe that you actually feel %26quot;down%26quot; Bottom line love yourself and you%26#039;ll take care of your self.
Don%26#039;t hang with negative people. if you must don%26#039;t let them bring you down.
Listen to music that makes you feel good. Read inspirational books.
If you commit to cut out soft drinks and chocolate for a week and drink a lot of water the taste of a Coke will make you sick. You can actually taste all the harmful chemicals and you feel it roting your teeth. Same thing with McDonald%26#039;s, you can feel the grease going down you chest.
- You have to listen to your body.
good luck|||If you really wanna be realistic then you can lose 4-5 lbs a week. Losing 30lbs should take roughly 6weeks. Simply lower your eating intake by 1/3 and eat as soon as you get hungry. This will increase your body%26#039;s metabolism and help to burn that excess energy instead of storing it as fat.
(Most importantly avoid light snacks in-between meals as this will increase your food intake without you even realising it).
Also some exercises, nothing too drastic. Just 20 sit-ups in the morning, 20 sit-ups at night before bed. 10 push-ups morning and night and some extended brisk walks up-to 30minutes a day (a slightly hilly terrain is ideal), and a 15min jog only once a week. (and increase the number of walks/sit-ups etc as you get used to them).
Follow this regime and your 30 lbs should drop within 6 weeks. And the best thing of all you really don%26#039;t have to drastically change your diet or even exert yourself during exercise. And can actually be enjoyable. With this method, your not actually dieting, it;%26#039;s more of a lifestyle change.
p.s walking on hilly terrain, at steep angles is great, probably the best from of buttock exercise, they get real firm!
And Drink plenty of water - preferably 5litres on average, this will help replenish your body, rehydrate your skin - it will have a healthy glow and also give you a more accurate reading of your weight when you weigh yourself as the initial weight loss is due to a lack of water retention.