Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Did a Reiki healing course? How would you describe yourself before, during and after the cleansing period.?

BEFORE: How did you feel, what was your attitude, were you healthy, was there anything you wanted to change about yourself?

DURING: How did you feel and describe any experiences during your self-healings?

AFTER: Is your outlook on life any different than when you started. How is your your physical, emotional and physical health? Did you have any problems during the cleansing period?Did a Reiki healing course? How would you describe yourself before, during and after the cleansing period.?Hi there,

I'm a reiki level 2 practitioner.

Prior to receiving any attunments and committing to the path of reiki, I was a complete mess to put it simply. I had mood swings, depression, was in constant pain and was just generally pessimistic and egotistical (not a good combination!)

Reiki came to me when I was at my lowest ebb, a friend of mine who is reiki attuned gave me a session and there was no looking back from there. From that point I knew that it was for me.

I finally took my level 1 degree and during the process I had lots of powerful visions coming through, the attainment helped to strengthen my psychic abilities which came as a huge shock.

During the self healing and cleansing period for 1st Degree, I didn't have any major problems. It was when I went on to do the 2nd Degree that I had lots of visions, flashbacks, emotions, cold symptoms etc. and had a bit of a rough ride during that period. But then I came through it, trusting the energy and spirit would get me through this phase.

I treat people and animals now professionally and self treat on a daily basis. I absolutely love the journey that I am on. I find that I am a lot more positive and my outlook on life has changed completely for the better.

Did a Reiki healing course? How would you describe yourself before, during and after the cleansing period.?
I am a reiki level 2.

Prior to learning reiki I was in a wheelchair and my doctors told me I would more than likely never walk again. I suffered with arthritis, spinal compressions and arterial damage. I had no feeling in my left hand at all and none in my right leg as well. I was not what I would call %26quot;healthy%26quot; by any stretch.

Once I heard about Reiki from a friend of mine, I was very skeptical and told him that it was a load of crap. However, something kept telling me to at least try it. So I scheduled a therapy session and laid down on the table for the single most life changing event I've ever had.

I didn't expect anything, I was just willing to try anything at all to take away some of the pain and inflammation. When I sat up from the table I went to grab my bottle of water. The only thing was...I was using my left hand to grab it. Nothing has been the same since.

Now, it gets weird...when my friend who has been a Reiki master for fifteen years, finally initiated me into Reiki as a level one, he said it was very weird for him because he's initiated over a hundred people since he's been doing it and he said he's never experienced such a powerful flow of energy in his life as when he was working with me. He didn't just pull me aside and say this to make me feel better or anything, he actually brought this up during our class of 6 people. He said that each one of the students had their own special ability to act as a channel for Reiki but that I brought about a change in him instantly as he was do my initiation.

Then it got even more weird. I had a friend who was several hundred miles away who seriously needed some help and my instructor actually had me doing a distance healing with him after just my first instruction. While it was not the norm, I have sinced learned that it doesn't really matter all that much.

After: very simply put, I could write a book on the experiences that I've had since becoming a level 2. I cannot even describe everything here because it would take too long...Let's just say this much though: I am no longer in a wheelchair. I do yoga daily and I am getting ready to be cleared by my physician in two weeks so that I can do a five K run. I've quit smoking and I no longer take any medications of any kind (whereas before I was on a daily pharmacy's worth of meds)...and there is no greater gift that anyone can have than to have their life given to them with such love and power.

For the naysayers: your words mean very little without true experience, save your time and go elsewhere...though we love you like children, as children should sometimes be silent, so should you until you learn.
Did a Reiki healing course? How would you describe yourself before, during and after the cleansing period.?
god... what nonsense
Please see my other answers for the idiocy known as Reiki.

EDIT Saxilaan. Your words too mean very little without objective evidence to support them. Anybody can claim anything. It's a lovely touching story, and I've seen a thousand like it from faith healers, TCM, homepathy, and circulating the internet as chain e-mail spam.

What I have never seen is a shred of evidence to support the outlandish claims.