Monday, 17 October 2011

I really need help A.S.A.P. Is this essay I wrote autobiographical or reflective?

I Almost Died

I woke up. It was a nothing but average morning. I had no idea what would happen or how it would affect my life. I went to school like every other day, but this day would be tragic and life-changing. My name is Courtney Jones, and I tried to commit suicide. My family wasn't always exactly what you would call “normal”. I grew up with an alcoholic father, and we lost connection when I was at a very young age. We really didn't have much of a relationship. My mom and I were semi-close. But all we ever did was fight. Not to mention the constant fighting between my parents. My home life was complete chaos and rather dysfunctional. I had lost respect for my dad, his drinking was intolerable for me, especially since he had hit my mom when I was younger. I was too young to know what “the side effects of Bipolar Disorder” meant, so I just sort of cut him out of my life as much as possible.

So, my story kind of begins with my grandpa. Since my dad and I didn't get along, he was like a dad to me. He was my idol, my hero, my everything. When I found out he had cancer, I took it pretty hard. He was what kept me going. All of this was bad enough. But then, I informed my parents of my new girlfriend. They most definitely didn't approve, and it caused even more tension in the house. I felt like they didn't love me anymore. It was the worst possible feeling. With everything else going on,my grades dropped and I started to fail all my classes. I just didn't care anymore. So, I gave up.

It was a Friday, and I was in my Spanish class. I took thirty Benadryl, and swallowed them ten at a time. I had every intention to “give up” on life. The next few hours after that are a blur. All I remember is waking up in a hospital. There was Mom and Dad, right next to me, both with tears in their eyes. The love I felt had faded, that I thought no longer existed, rolled down their cheeks. I didn't really know where I was, or what was happening. But, I knew my parents cared. I finally knew.

Everything was different now. My grades were tossed aside, my sexuality not even a slight concern. My grandpa even stopped by. Well, the doctor told my mom I was going to die. Everyone was devastated. Only by a miracle from God, I survived. Next I got sent to a facility. My parents no longer had control, I was on a 5150 hold. I answered a few questions, less confused about what had happened. After talking to some therapists, they released me. My parents were still in shock, but never had seemed so happy to see me. And I was a changed person. I had, in the tragedy, seen a new light.

In the end, I learned to get along with my mom better,and try harder to have a relationship with my dad. I even got my grades up. Now I have goals. I am going to college and being whatever I want to be. I'm going to live out my life. Sure Dad still has a couple beers every once in awhile, and Mom and I fight here and there. But we love each other. Oh, and Grandpa is doing a lot better. I even donated to a “Cure for Cancer” fund at Vons the other day. My parents learned to accept that I am happy with a girl. She even comes over for dinner, sometimes. All in all, I learned that everyone has problems and everything happens for a reason. I've never been happier and I'll never forget that troubles fade and life is always worth living. Suicide is a permanent solution, for a temporary problem.

Okay is this a reflective essay in response to to the topic :

%26quot;It has often been said that we learn more from our mistakes than we do from our successes. Descrive a situation in your life in which ou made a mistake. Refelct from your mistake and discusss what you have learned from it%26quot;

Or is it an autobiographical essay on the topic :

%26quot;Think of an incident in you life which helped you to change your behavior or attitude.Tell about the incident. Hpw did it make you feel. Why was this change important? Did your family and friends understand the change? If not, what conflicts developed? How were they resolved?%26quot;

I have to write both topics and both types of essays, I just need to know what catagory this fits under. THANKS for reading! :]I really need help A.S.A.P. Is this essay I wrote autobiographical or reflective?Pardon me for suggesting something different, it's my way of trying to be helpful.

Narrative Essays

As a mode of expository writing, the narrative approach, more than any other, offers writers a chance to think and write about themselves. We all have experiences lodged in our memories which are worthy of sharing with readers. Yet sometimes they are so fused with other memories that a lot of the time spent in writing narrative is in the prewriting stage.…………


Study Skills %26amp; Essay Writing.