Monday, 17 October 2011

"No man should speak to a woman like that!"?

I recognize that physically a man can overpower a woman. I also recognize that respect goes both ways. But for argument's sake, how is a woman more important than a man in terms of the way they speak to one another? Say a woman were to be aggressive with your girlfriend, and you stepped in between them and got within an inch of her face and said something like, %26quot;B*tch, you better back the FVCK off or I'll goddamn move you myself!!%26quot;, or if a woman were to be rude to you made a bit of a scene by raising your face and saying, %26quot;Who the h*ll are you, lady? Change your f*cking attitude and mind your own goddamn business, b*tch!%26quot;

They're not classy reactions due to the language but why is it worse for a man to SPEAK to a woman like this than if he were to speak to another man like this?%26quot;No man should speak to a woman like that!%26quot;?Well, was she being a bi*ch? if she was she probably deserved it.
%26quot;No man should speak to a woman like that!%26quot;?
Thats a good question, but one that only society can dictate. Its just one of those traditions that has stayed on forever.
%26quot;No man should speak to a woman like that!%26quot;?
Good question, you get a star :D

But anyway, I think it's just one of those unspoken rules that's been going on since...forever. No one really knows the point of it, we're just too used to it to do anything about it.
ok im sorry but if a girl needs to be put in her place AND ONLY if she is really being a b*tch should a guy or even another woman step up and tell her she needs to calm down but he doesnt need to use fowl language because when a girl has her a$$ up on her shoulders that just raises it to her head especially when coming from a guy and if she doesnt listen the simply walk away and ignore the b*tch
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