First of all I have no problem admitting my mistakes and that I am probably more sensitive than the general population. I am looking for honest, helpful answers here and not to be beaten down or told I'm wrong about my opinions. Every has the right to their own.
1.) I feel as if I'm getting tired of the male sex because most of the men I have been with have caused me to feel as if I need to change myself to make the relationship work. Because I am so easy going, I let this happen. It's ranged from my appearance to my attitude and personality.
2.) My family seems to think a lot of this has to do with the fact that I did not have a good male role model growing up. My father was never around, and when he was it was to punish me or make me do something for him. I feel like I crave male attention - I just want one to love me so much. I want to be the center of their world, and sadly I do whatever it takes to get them to see me this way.
However when I do this - I get to the point that I feel I've changed too much and am making all the sacrifices, and the relationship ends.
My friends and family tell me that there is no such thing as the perfect man - that they all do things that girls don't like - that we just learn to deal with them because we love them. Is this true? How did you other females learn to cope with what your life partners do that upset you?
Do you change your views, do you excuse yourself for a while, how do you deal with these things? Or, did you move on until you found someone who respected all the things about you that no one did before.
Last question - is it good enough to be with someone who understands but doesn't agree, or to spend your time trying to find someone that is just like you.I need help. Do I change myself - or move on?you should never have to change yourself to be with anyone....There is no perfect relationship..You aren't going to always agree.. But you can agree to disagree.. If your always making the sacrifices then the relationship is probably not meant to be... You both have to be willing to accept the other for who they are... Yes I believe that they will always do something we don't agree with but if the relationship is worth it then we can forgive... Maybe you need to take time for yourself and figure out what is is you really are looking for and what qualities are most important to you.. Good Luck