Friday, 7 October 2011

From the List below what would you want to change about your own academic life.?

I would change...... from what ....and how

Study Habits

Motivational Level


Time Management Abilites

Money Management Abilites

Relationship Skills

Reading And or Writing abilities

Math Abilities

Speaking Abilities

Career Decisions

Healthier Self-esteem

Attracting more positive people into my lifeFrom the List below what would you want to change about your own academic life.?Time Management-Abilities, to be specific a bad habit to procrastination. I somehow convinced myself I work best under pressure in any case it's a horrible habit and I am working very diligently to fix this. I often found I would be thinking about the assignment and what i was going to say and how i was going to say it, i do the research but i don't officially sit down to put it on paper until im pressed for time. Not good.