Friday, 7 October 2011

Help Please!!!my b/f and I talked about moving out of state.. i never saw initiative from his part..?

one day we got in a fight and i decided to sell my car and finally make a move to get out of here.. Of course I told him I was moving away but hopefully thinkin he would call me right away and tell me not to..but he didn't.. so I kept my plans.. Now we're doing fine but this is what he has to say to my plans now..and this in not the case at can i make him see that??? please help me..ok this is what he jus emailed me %26quot;all you had to do was change your stubborn mind and agree to move out of this town together with a plan made by the two of us, not soley made by you...Can't stand your thought process that you are going to be the dominant figure in the relationship, the Bible says a wife is to be submissive to his husband, and the man is to care for her in's not a hard choice to make, you would if you wanted a future with me, you'd say to yourself and show me from here on out you'r not gona try to run me around like I'm the girl and you have the balls. I'm the breadwinner, obviously a move would revolve around me and my ability to find work somewhere. But hey, you go ahead and find your dream man in Indy. Go get a man that's gona put up with your attitude and back and forth bs...that man if you find him will be a pussy with no balls and won't be considered a man. I don't care anymore, I'm happier single than dating or dating someone that's toxic for me. I love you and hope you change and wana show me.%26quot;Help Please!!!my b/f and I talked about moving out of state.. i never saw initiative from his part..?RED need to RUN!! He is a CONTROL freak, I am serious..and he is not your husband so he needs to stop with the bible quotes and he is quoting the parts that he wants to listen to. He is also telling you that you could never find a better man, he has issues and you need to get away, that is a sign of abusive behavior. run..seriously
Help Please!!!my b/f and I talked about moving out of state.. i never saw initiative from his part..?
Years ago I made this same decision, only I left my husband taking our two-yo son with me. I told him if he wanted a family, he needed to come back to our home town. I didn't dream he would never come get us, or call, or anything, just let us go. It has been over 30 years, now he wants to get back together with me. Of course, that is not possible; our son is a grown man. I went on with my life and created a comfortable life for myself. I am now once again alone (after a second divorce) but wouldn't change things based on what was happening in my life then.

My husband at taht time was verbally abusive. Afraid I would %26quot;rule%26quot; him and not let him do what he wanted (which was date other women, deal drugs, and not be the father our little boy needed - funny, he was right.) I was not going to stand by and let him ruin my future with his abusive and destructive behavior.

The e-mail you received from your bf is abusive and closed minded. Sure he is hurt, but he cannot blame you for moving on when you discussed it with him. Following through with your plans is important; listening during a conversation with your bf / gf and participating in the decision and further being involved in the action is sooooo important!

I'd tell him you are sorry, but there is no going back. Move forward yourself and be happy. YOu made the decision and did it. His attitude speaks volumes for how he will behave in other stressful situations.

Good luck, stand proud, and move on.
Help Please!!!my b/f and I talked about moving out of state.. i never saw initiative from his part..?
Just move on. He needs time to start believing he doesn't live in biblical days. You do not need to be submissive to any human being. You accommodate for your partner's plans and needs only if he does the same for you. The comments written before this are very right. This is a control freak, be careful. Think wisely of your future and what you really want for a partner. Good luck, and stay strong.