Saturday, 24 September 2011

For anyone who's gotten in great shape (jacked), how has it changed your life?

Because I've been working out for 6 months, seeing good results, and I wanna keep it up, and I'm hoping that it's gonna make girls more attracted to me, change my attitude, change the way ppl interact with me, etc. Is this true?For anyone who's gotten in great shape (jacked), how has it changed your life?When I was thinner, I was obnoxious and an all around jerk.

Anyone care to evaluate this conversation?

Kerry H: Just because you don't see something doesn't mean it doesn't exist. After all, you are a christian, right? You believe fully in something that no one else can see.... so ... shouldn't that be enough?

Robert Paris: Whoa I never said they do not exist, I said I did not know of any! Please do nt take things out of context.

Kerry H: You said %26quot;I haven't SEEN any%26quot; not that you don't know any. There is a huge difference.

Kerry H: I'm really not taking things out of context - I'm commenting on your replies.

Robert Paris: Well my comment was true I have not seen any therefore from that point I was correct. I have heard that there are coyotes around the area but I can not confirm that for again I HAVE NOT SEEN ANY.

Kerry H: No need to yell.

Kerry H: Are you unable to have a civil conversation w/out yelling?

Robert Paris: Sorry I hit the cap lock, I have big fingers and small keyboard on this laptop

Robert Paris: I was writing the apology when you jumped on the error, then re-worded it!

Kerry H: *sigh* must be nice to be perfect.

Robert Paris: I ahve large hands which serve well in most cases but not when working with a small set of keys. Ah I wish I were even close to perfection but I am not for only Jesus is perfect.

Kerry H: I doubt that highly.

Robert Paris: I was simply stating what had happened

Kerry H: You know, you've met atheists or Pagans or Jews or other non-christians in your life, I'm sure of it. But we don't walk around in big shirts saying %26quot;I don't follow the church%26quot; ...

Kerry H: So your assumption that everyone in your rural neighborhood believes the same as you is just sooo narrow minded and narrow-mindedness it is not what the teachings of Jesus preach.

Robert Paris: I find your manner to be confrontational, and honestly a bit rude. I never said I have not met Jews or Pagans, but I have not to the best of my recollection met any Atheist.

Robert Paris: I know many Jews and some that are Pagan, but again I restate since you seem not to have seen it, To the best of my reccolections I have not met any that claim to follow the Atheist path.

Kerry H: I don't really care how you interpret my manner. Why would I care about your reaction? You think that I'm a horrid person just because I don't believe as you do. You're also so oblivious to the world around you that you don't SEE those who believe differently than you.

Robert Paris: No I do not think you to be a horrid person

Robert Paris: At least not for that. However I do think you disrespectful for trying to put words in my mouth

Robert Paris: I do not do that to you and ask that you refrain from doing it to me, if you cna not abid by that I shall bid you a Good Bye

Kerry H: Oh yes. Bring the 'hollier than thou' attitude and run away. Can't even stand and kindly discuss your previous points.

Robert Paris: You seem to be so fixated in your own views of what I think that you do not hear me

Kerry H: Instead you call me 'disrespectful' and run away. Later then.

Robert Paris: There will be no need for later, you do not dialog you instead run to what you think I am saying and do care to read my words.

kerrisonr: I am reading, just disagreeing. There's a huge difference.

kerrisonr: Just because I don't cow-tow do your mentality doesn't mean I don't read what you have to say.

kerrisonr: Nor do I appreciate your attitude.

Robert Paris: I am neither a Jew nor a Pagan, yet I know many of each in this area. I never claimed there were no Atheist just that I had not met any

kerrisonr: Of course. Change your tune now. That's great. Just one more point to NOT becoming a preachy christian.

Robert Paris: Since we have agreed that we do not appreciate the others attitude I shall remove you from the list of those that contact me.

kerrisonr: I have agreed to nothing. Didn't you just chastise me for putting wordse into your mouth? That's a bit hypocritical, isn't it?

Robert Paris: I have not changed my point I NEVER (yelling so you see) said that I did not know Pagans or Jews. You need to elarn to keep on topic or perhaps your not evolved enough for that

kerrisonr: *sigh*

kerrisonr: Did you just say evolved?? Best not say that again-- you'll get kicked out of the church for that one.

Robert Paris: No things evolve but not from one species to another.

kerrisonr: *tisk tisk* can't have it both ways. Either evolution exists or it doesn't.

Robert Paris: Evolution within species yes but not from one species to another, or why are there still apes?

kerrisonr: Have you ever seen a 'midget cat' ?

Robert Paris: There is a species of moth in England that use to be white but is not black, it evolved to protect itself from preditors since the buildings were dark its white color made it stand out and birds found it easily.

Robert Paris: Anyway, I shall bid you a good evening.

kerrisonr: Sure you will. Without answering my question. Run along now- go sleep well knowing you've yet again run away from a valid discussion which could prove you wrong.

Robert Paris: What question did I not answer?

Robert Paris: Perhaps cut and paste shall be useful

Robert Paris: Ah well I guess that you decided your question on evolution was answered and you had not seen it. Perhaps you should read before you jump to conclusions not supporred by the evidence.Anyone care to evaluate this conversation?It is getting harder to have normal conversations anymore without getting pounced on. God bless you.
Anyone care to evaluate this conversation?
My evaluation...too much to
Anyone care to evaluate this conversation?
don't feel like reading a book tonight
I have ADHD, I couldn't finish reading.....sorry.
I am so not reading that. Give me the cliff notes and I'll get back to you.

I did pick up the black/white moth thing...that was more natural selection then pure evolotion and it was because the soot coated everything and allt he white moths were MUCH more visible then before the smoke so they all got eaten leaving only the black ones to live on.
you lost me at %26quot;conversation%26quot;.
My evaluation: Too long!
wow read half and just couldnt do it anymore, too much negativity. neither of them seem to know what they are typing about. religion is not meant to be debated.
I evaluate it as long. I got too the point of %26quot;its hard to type on a laptop with big hands%26quot; and i was done...

Did it ever get interesting? I'm practically comatose from reading that drivel...
I think using that copy/paste 'debate' script in chatrooms is still really *#%26amp;@ing annoying and rude.
no thanks
Sounds like they both have been drinking. While they rambled on a hungry person somewhere died....
Sounds like a rambling p*ssing contest between two semi-educated individuals who happen to think a lot of themselves. But that's just my opinion.
None shall pass through the impenetrable wall of copy-and-paste text!
Just a long argument between two people who take things way too seriously.
sounded a bit nit picky to me
Just want to clarify, that's kerry h, not keri gee:p
It seems, as with many philosophical conversations, neither of the participants have much to say, but a lot of emotions built up because of inset attitudes, this type of conversation generally only serves to generate support for one side are the other without ever establishing verifiable proof are even facts on either side, and thus serves no real or substantial purpose
Looks like a very grumpy chat room!
If i were Robert Paris: I would have stopped wasting my time responding to an obviously more into a confrontation than a conversationin Kerry H.
Wow.....where to begin?? *chuckles*

That was a very long conversation that appeared to be about nothing yet obviously was about a subject that got the two of you very riled up. You both seemed to be on the defensive when it came to your beliefs (which I understand).

Otherwise, I say you handled the %26quot;conversation%26quot; fairly well. You stuck to your argument and when you would attempt to make a counter-argument to what was said against you, it was done in as respectful a way as possible. That is up until the very end where it seemed you lost your patience. *lol*

I am wondering a little why you continued the conversation in the first place when it was obvious that it was just heading down hill and straight into an argument?
wow.. can't read all of that now! sorry... maybe tomorrow after work... night night... zzz`s
Sounds like a battle of wits with an unarmed man.
Too Long read 80% of it. My Advice let it go Seed was planted if it fell on infertile ground not your fault


Does your opinion on someone change if they allow thier environment to have a full affect on thier personality?

I know that there are circumstances where its almost impossible to NOT allow thier entire personality%26amp;attitude to be altered by thier environment, its a natural thing in some cases.

But my question to you is, when you notice someone's personality and/or attitude is fully changed from how they originally act due to thier environment does your opinion of him/her change?, is it for better or for worse?

And answer this:

Do you find it difficult to not allow YOUR environment to fully affect the way you are?Does your opinion on someone change if they allow thier environment to have a full affect on thier personality?It really bugs me, especially when i've known the person for a long time and suddenly they decide to change because of a change in people or environment. I feel like they're betraying the person I always knew, which is probably their true self (since all my friends grew up in the same town as me and being someone else would make them fake).

I guess it really depends on how much they change. Like if they suddenly change hobbies, clothing style, and personality, then I lose all respect for that person. But if they just become more outgoing than usual to make friends, I guess that isn't a bad thing (though it would still be strange to see a shy friend to suddenly become outgoing).

I don't think i'd change if I were to be in a different environment. Then again, I wouldn't know since i've always lived in the same town, and when I travel i'm still with people I know so i'm always myself around them.
Does your opinion on someone change if they allow thier environment to have a full affect on thier personality?
If someone conforms completely to their environment, they are doing nothing to change it.
Does your opinion on someone change if they allow thier environment to have a full affect on thier personality?
I can say, I haven't moved physically.. I've lived in my house for a year now. My last roommates saw more of the real me, someone who likes to go out, have fun and be rebellious. Suddenly I got all new roommates, in my house still, and I am a new, more mature person. They destroy the house, and smoke up inside all the time, and leave huge messes. After being around this I am no longer a party animal myself, in fact I avoid parties and hate drugs because of my new environment.

To answer your question, I've noticed changes in my friends too when they have a new environment. I don't think any less of them. Sometimes I'm glad they made the change, and sometimes they change for the worse. Are they making themselves happier, and healthier?
  • fingernails on a blackboard
  • horrible cat
  • The First World War started a slow change in attitude toward the traditional American foreign policy of isolat?

    The First World War started a slow change in attitude toward the traditional American foreign policy of isolationism. In your essay show how isolationism was an unquestionable cornerstone of American Foreign Policy prior to the First World War and discuss any changes or shifts in attitude you have noted, after the First World War in spite of any tendencies to retreat into the isolationism of the past.The First World War started a slow change in attitude toward the traditional American foreign policy of isolat?Yes, it certainly did - and in my essay I have shown how isolation (like slavery before it) was a cornerstone of American policy (foreign and domestic), and I discussed the changes and shifts in attitude I have noted, in spite of the tendencies to retreat into the isolationism of the past.
    The First World War started a slow change in attitude toward the traditional American foreign policy of isolat?
    %26quot;In your essay...%26quot;

    Why would anyone here write your essay for you?

    In short though, the Monroe Doctrine and tradition based off of Washington's Farewell address proved powerful forces in maintaining America's policy of keeping Europe at arms length. The US however, was imperialistic in its own ways, so the whole %26quot;Isolationist%26quot; idea doesn't jive with me.

    Wilson actually campaigned on the slogan %26quot;He kept us out of the war%26quot; or something to that affect. That being said, after specific incidents, the US felt compelled to go to war in WWI; take note that their impact on the war itself is debatable.
    The First World War started a slow change in attitude toward the traditional American foreign policy of isolat?
    Throw in the psychological horrors of trench warfare and the machine gun. History teachers are suckers for blood %26amp; guts. BTW: how long does this paper have to be and how much are you paying per page? email me.
    %26quot;In my essay?%26quot; LOL

    Actually, the Spanish-American war had that effect. As part of the treaty ending the war, the US wound up in charge of the Philippines. Having control of such a far-away possession drastically reduced the isolationism.

    WW1 actually had the opposite effect. Americans quickly concluded that our involvement in the war was due to pressure from corrupt business influences, and that we really had no business in Europe's problem. This is why it took a direct attack to get us in WW2, despite Hitler's obvious evils, even then.

    Should we really celebrate "Thanksgiving"? Isn't it supossed to be a time of mourning?

    Five-hundred years of betrayal in exchange for friendship? Referring to the Natives. How has this changed your view on Thinksgiving. Will you still celebrate it? Do you agree with those who say that? How has this affected you/your attitude?Should we really celebrate %26quot;Thanksgiving%26quot;? Isn't it supossed to be a time of mourning?Regardless of how the tradition came about or if betrayal was any part of it is a moot point. Thanksgiving should be a daily event not just a day set out of the year for everyone to celebrate. It is a time of reflection not just celebration to look back at the tragedies that have befallen us and to be thankful that we survived these tragedies to be thankful even for the perils that we will appreciate the blessings we have received.
    Should we really celebrate %26quot;Thanksgiving%26quot;? Isn't it supossed to be a time of mourning?
    Well we feast instead of fast and feasting leads to bloatedness later in the day. But, a lot of holidays (Ramadan) people appreciate with fasting. So, we don't even celebrate thanksgiving. We indulge. Sorry to sound pessimistic. I like Thanksgiving. But, it is an indulgent day of stuffing and football for my family.

    Have you ever been in the situation that you...

    Just felt so down, you dont want to do anything. Felt so confused but dont know what questions you should ask to clear up your situation, because you cant even define your situation? Have you ever just thought of ending it all, because you fear theres no other way out, and the sh*t just keeps piling on your plate?

    Cause I do right about now. I try to be happy and most people do not believe that I have issues in my life, cause I keep a lot to myself. Only my best friends knows everything about me, every detail.

    Truth is, Ive been putting myself in situations I cant handle, and its my fault but I cant get out of them, nor will I.

    Just want to know that I'm not alone on feeling this way, because really i think everyone hits rock bottom at one point.

    Anyone want to admit it? that they just said f*k you to it all?

    How did you make yourself feel better? Did you change your ways, or your attitude about your ways?

    xoHave you ever been in the situation that you...It's true we all make mistakes and feel like there is no way out, no light at the end of the tunnel, I know the example isn't great but its true. I've felt unhappy most of my life. I'm the same I keep A Lot of my problems, fears, and even dreams inside. It's a way of coping, we hold are emotions in because we're afraid of the truth and the outcome of them.

    I've made thousands of mistakes but I'm still going... I am still holding on and fighting to the next day. I have faith that maybe just maybe tomorrow will be better then the last day, or at least it will be soon. If I am really down about something then I let lose, I go out and do something that I really enjoy, like go see a movie, or listen to an old song that I can just sit an remember why I loved that song.

    If the reason I made a mistake was because of a friend or my attitude then I would evaulate why I made the mistake and what part of it was because of me and my actions. If it was completely my fault then I'd apologize and try to learn from it and make myself better.

    We are all human, we all make mistakes that we can't change. But we can try to learn from then so we don't repeat the mistake. Just remember that you're not alone and that there is always someone there for you.
    Have you ever been in the situation that you...
    YES! When I was going thro my 'cold turkey' from METH %26amp; H. At point's the pain was so severe I want to end it. I have lost my first daughter thro the drugs (all my own fault) everyone hits rock bottom, and the only way is UP now, it'll make you a stronger person in the long run. Keep talking stuff out with your close friends.
    Have you ever been in the situation that you...
    Yes, I have felt like there was no way out, you are most definately not alone.This world is messed up, and we mess up and that's the truth. iF YOU HAVE COME TO THE POINT WHERE YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE...THEN GIVE GOD A CHANCE. Open up, lay your pride down, and pray, give all that mess, ALL of it to Someone who can fix it and you. HE will answer. I promise. Trust one more time okay, because it was Him who told me to answer you this time, He loves you very much, Child, when life don't seem worth living, go to Jesus and let him hold you in his arms.
    Everyone goes through what you are feeling to one degree or another. I have been through it many times myself. I am a friendly person but shy and reserved. I am the person that is usually forgotten about. I hear the comment %26quot;Oh didn't I tell you?%26quot; a lot. I feel that I am taken for granted and only wanted when there is work to be done. How do I get past this? Every day when I get up I ask myself %26quot;How do I want to act today?%26quot;. I have to tell myself daily that i will not be like other people and ignore anybody. I will greet everyone I know the way I want to be greeted. I will treat everyone the way I wish to be treated. I will be kind and courteous to strangers, smile at them and say hi. If I meet rude people, I pity them because they are missing so much in life by so self-centered. Whenever I feel depression coming on because of something I just heard or saw I ask myself who do I want to be. I want to be the kindest person on earth and I want everyone to feel better, if only for a moment, because I was there. At the end of the day I ask myself was I the person I wanted to be today? What cheers me up is remembering the smile that I put on some weary person's face by some kind deed I did that day.

    All day long, every minute of the day, every situation that comes your way ask yourself %26quot;Who do I want to be? If I do this will I be that person? What will make me happy and proud of myself?%26quot; Although there may be many factors affecting your life only you can control your life. Yes many people have hit rock bottom. But remember, when you hit rock bottom the only place to go is up. I have been there before and may end up there again but I will always start climbing up again. And on my way up I will try to stop others from falling and I will reach down and help others start on their way up.

    An educational excerpt on Discordian Magick--Think you can figure it?

    Okay, this is a discussion on magick, eh? Whoa, like,

    conjuring demons, throwing hexes, and predicting the futunre?

    Manipulation of the Hodge/Podge to TOTAL WORLD DOMINATION?! No.

    First off, any demons that might be around aren't gonna waste time

    with Discordians (they're after the Greyfaced Religions, 'cause

    the guilt they can lay on them...). Throwing hexes is painful, and

    bad for the joints. And if you are worried about the future, and

    world domination, then you have no business trying out magick

    anyway. So, like, what is Discordian magick, eh? Okay, Discordian

    Magick is a way in which the Discordian practicing it (called a

    Phool) to either add to or create Eristic Vibes or to deflect or

    destroy Aneristic Vibes.

    Some Terms:


    Vibes: Psycho-emotional energy given off be humans and other


    Eristic: Pertaining to Eris; pertaining to chaos in general.

    Aneristic: Against Eris; pertaining to order in general.

    Phool: one who is aware of the presence an actions of Vibes

    and uses Discordian Magick to manipulate the same

    Face: An aspect of Discordian Magick; the category of magick

    Nature: The end-product of Discordian Magick

    Hodge: The pseudo-Zen force of Order in the world

    Podge: The pseudo-Zen force of Chaos in the world

    The Doctrine: things have a tendency to work out ok in the end

    Ju-Ju: The %26quot;aftershocks%26quot; of Discordian Magick; the long-term


    The Sacred Chao: The image of the Hodge and Podge.

    Greyface: One who unconsciously generates Aneristic Vibes.

    THEM: A group who consciously generates Aneristic Vibes;

    Phools gone Greyface.

    Discordian: One who unconsciously generates Eristic Vibes.

    Norm: A normal, vibe-unaware, guy-on-the-street. Typically

    Aneristic, due to the great amount of ambient Aneristic Vibes

    in the world.

    Vibes: what they be.


    Okay, vibes are like energy which is given off by all

    creatures. You may know of Vril or Kirlian Aura or Alpha Waves or

    some other nonsense. Vibes may or may not be them, its really not

    important. What IS important is that they exist, and if they

    exist, then they can be manipulated and created and destroyed.

    (Destroying waves can be bad Ju-ju. Be careful.) How do we know

    vibes are there? Because, if you open up, you can feel them.

    You're being hit by them all the time, just most people aren't

    aware of them. Next time someone is being extremely chaotic,

    notice how that person's actions and presence affect you... the

    same for someone being extremely ordered. Sometimes, the vibes

    can change your mood, your attitude, even y our health. So, now

    that I know the vibes are there, what can I do with them? Okay,

    eh? So, there are two basic kinds of vibes: Eristic and Aneristic.

    Eristic Vibes are pulses of chaotic energy, while Aneristic Vibes

    are pulses of ordered energy... this means the fundamental

    concepts of chaos and order, not the waves themselves. (I.E. if

    vibes have a structure, both Eristic and Aneristic probably have

    the same structure. It is the kind of energy which differs, not

    the structure.)Eristic Vibes USUALLY cause Chaos, Discord and

    Confusion (the first three Faces (q.v.)) and Aneristic Vibes

    USUALLY cause Beurocracy and Aftermath (the last two Faces). I say

    USUALLY because, like most things, there are several occasions

    when the five will cross over. A Phool must learn to appreciate

    the spinning of the Chao, and the counter-push-pull of the Hodge

    and Podge, and learn when Eristic Vibes are needed, and when

    Aneristic Vibes are needed. As a very general rule, the world

    needs more Eristic Vibes... there are far more Greyfaces in the

    world than there are Discordians.An educational excerpt on Discordian Magick--Think you can figure it?F'nord
    An educational excerpt on Discordian Magick--Think you can figure it?
    Great post. You know your energy work.

    Report Abuse

    An educational excerpt on Discordian Magick--Think you can figure it?
    Procedure for Discordian magick:

    1. Get hand lotion.

    2. Jerk off furiously

    3. Claim you're enlightened

    4. Wipe hands on pants, repeat as necessary
    Sorry don't True .. you need to know ''WHY'' WHAT IF'' and WHY l'm l here?

    Have You Ever Known Anyone Who Has COMMITTED SUICIDE?

    Where I%26#039;m from, I don%26#039;t know anyone who committed suicide, however, I%26#039;m planning on killing myself due to my diminished height (5%26#039;6%26quot;).

    -Have you ever known anyone who committed suicide?

    -Did they have a good social life?

    -How did it affect their families?

    -How did it affect you?

    -Has it changed your attitude towards suicide/euthanasia?

    -Do you think that they are better off dead?(think existence vs. nonexistence (a dreamless sleep))

    -Where they people who weren%26#039;t likely to date?

    -Where they shy around the opposite sex?

    -Where they, in objective opinion, not sexually attractive?

    -If so what features/characteristics made them unattractive?

    I think there is a direct correlation between suicidiality and the progeny of ones genes meaning, the less likely someone is to pass on thier genes (ex. sexually unnattractive people) the more easier it is for them to commit suicide. Think if this may apply to the person you are mentioning. I think a study of this may occur in the future. Thanks!Have You Ever Known Anyone Who Has COMMITTED SUICIDE?Dude, it%26#039;s not worth it to kill yourself over your height. Most Hollywood male celebs are shorties. You are 5%26#039;6%26quot; which is considered tall. Tom Cruise, Van Dame, and a bunch of others are shorter than you. They all have social life, family, money , and so forth.

    I know a 2 friends of mine who commiteed suicide. One was a girl whose controlling Mom drove her insane, and another was over a broken relationship. No body is better off dead. Both of them survived . Both girls are beautiful. One is a fashion model. Both told me it was a stupid thing to do for a temporary %26quot;perceived%26quot; problem. Both of them changed their lives when they got into helping others. They both now donate their times at the homeless shelter, and animal adoption. They realized their problems are so minute compared to others the more they reach out and help less fortunate people and animal. Trying this out before making any drastic move would make more sense. God bless. Always reach out.

    People do care click here:

    call free to talk:

    more online counselings:

    Have You Ever Known Anyone Who Has COMMITTED SUICIDE?
    a horrible disease is a reason.....................the death of all your loved ones in a a reason.....

    short...your not that short........hell a lot of girls like short guys...........

    it hurts those you leave behind................people in Dafur and about 100 million other people would give a leg to be you..........

    go see a doc and get fixed is not that bad...........
    Have You Ever Known Anyone Who Has COMMITTED SUICIDE?
    Not a very good subject. I knew my daughter%26#039;s friends mother to speak to on phone, one day she vanished and was found dead after overdosing deliberately. she was unwell in her mind or she would not have thought the money she left the kids would ever compensate. One girl was 16 and one was younger. Those girls went through hell and it left lasting emotional problems. Despite that they have grown into fine human beings, but oh how I try to make excuses for their mother when it seems to me she did a very unkind and cruelly selfish thing to those kids. She may be better off but her kids weren%26#039;t. She seemed to have no real reason except her illness.

    Your last sentences is total nonsense I am afraid, I suggest you visit the library and read about the subject properly.
    5%26#039;6%26quot;? Whats your problem? You%26#039;re fine... there are plenty of short girls... I%26#039;m 5%26#039;2%26quot; and I%26#039;ve date plenty of guys your height. My friend (who%26#039;s male) is only like 4%26#039;11%26quot; or MAYBE 5 feet and he%26#039;s fine... nothing to kill yourself over. You should see a counselor so they can teach you how to love yourself. Good luck and God bless... please don%26#039;t hurt yourself over something like that!
    What ? OK Marc, now for some tough love, you need to stop being selfish ! you appear to only be thinking of yourself, what about the people in your life, what will your decision do to them ! I%26#039;m really hoping your not serious because being 5%26#039;6%26quot; is not a reason to want to end your life. how old are you ? I mean men still grow up till age 23 at least, and the doctor told my son that from a teen to around 23 you will gain about 3 more inches. plus being tall is not the only way to find love, OK look at it like this, the majority of all women on earth are shorter than you ! so you have alot to chose from ! just date short woman, look stop being so shallow, and accept what God gave you and be thankful, I know blind, and deaf people who are not complaining about their situation, so I dont think you need to complain about yours either !
    If you are this concerned with how your family will feel if you commit suicide then chances are you aren%26#039;t really going to do it and you%26#039;re just looking for attention and sympathy. Go get some help to up your self esteem and once you get over it you%26#039;ll be able to meet someone and fall in love. By the way I%26#039;m a 24year old who is not even 5 feet! You can%26#039;t change they way you look so you just need to accept yourself for who you are. Love it or hate it...its the way God made you and he knows best.
    I had a friend in high school who killed himself. It was horrible for everyone. His mother became deeply depressed and, last I heard, was still in therapy (this happened ten years ago). His little sister was 3 at the time and will grow up never knowing what a wonderful person her big brother was. His younger brother was the one who found him hanging from a necktie in his closet - that can%26#039;t be good for a ten year old. And yes, he was dateable - I did briefly date him my junior year. It affected the rest of us, too. After ten years, it%26#039;s rare that a day goes by when I don%26#039;t wonder if there was anything I could have done to prevent it.

    Don%26#039;t do it - it%26#039;s not worth it to you, or the people who care about you.
    a friend committed suicide he was married had 2 kids fairly good looking .. but had bi polar.. he had an abusive child hood.. he was alwways a laugh...

    killing yourself over height ... shallow ?? girlss lower thier standards everyday for guys..
    no particular reason,

    makes suicidal rational,

    there are less fortunate individuals,

    yet, never had that in mind,

    count ur blessings,

    definitely u%26#039;ll realize

    that life is worthy living afterall...

    - yes i%26#039;ve known someone

    - yes eventually after having commited suicide,

    still they had good social lives

    - it affects their family badly, coz of the fact that they had

    almost lost him

    - i was horrified, bacause i almost lost him

    - not at all, i have this strong faith, that our life is not

    a choice, we are responsible to live our life to the fullest

    - never-ever, coz he is important, his existence matters

    - yes there some who weren%26#039;t likely to date

    - not really shy, but maybe other does

    - we can be sexually attractive in our own way i guess,

    no basis at all

    - i%26#039;m not particular with what make the person a less person,

    i hate the idea of finding their shortcomings coz dont wanna

    be treated that way in return.

    u had a great ideas on the issue,

    it%26#039;s just that considering suicide

    shouln%26#039;t be ur choice.

    life is worthy living for...

    u are special in ur own way,

    5%26#039;6%26quot; wasn%26#039;t bad really.

    it doesn%26#039;t make u a less person...

    value life, there are lots of them

    who struggles to live...

    you are more blessed.

    do not reject the FACT....
    5%26#039;6%26quot; is a desirable size for lots of women. i hate dating men that are so tall i can%26#039;t put my head on their shoulders.

    - yes, my best friend killed herself. it has devastated me. i miss her everyday.

    - she was in her 40%26#039;s, your social life generally wanes as you get older. not a factor for her.

    - no, she%26#039;s missing alot. she had a physical problem and less than a year after she killed herself, they found out what caused it and how to treat it. it was very rare.

    - she liked to get banged.

    - she wasn%26#039;t shy

    - she was drop dead gorgeous and considered the coolest of the cool back in her day.

    many moons ago, a girlfriends brother killed himself. it destroyed the entire family. they are all completely messed up. the sister that found him is a mess. he was one of the most popular guys at school. i don%26#039;t know about his dating life.

    i have a friend whose teenaged son killed himself. they are very, OVERLY religious and even said at his funeral that he was going to the %26quot;outer world%26quot; or something like that. it was weird. sick.

    knew of a guy who almost did himself in and said that god told him if he didn%26#039;t get up and call 911 he would spend eternity in the place he was. he described it as the worst hell he%26#039;d ever been in. not fire and brimstone or anything like that. just floating in an abyss feeling eternal damnation. he couldn%26#039;t really put it into words, but it was bad enough that he got up and called 911. he was on a respirator for 3 days and technically should have died, but i guess he had the cr@p scared out of him and willed himself alive, i don%26#039;t know. he was always feeling suicidal,he%26#039;s never thought that way again. his recovery was loooong and painful because of what he did to his body. he%26#039;s ok now.

    one of the most intelligent, powerful men i know is 5%26#039;1%26quot;. he is an attorney and well-respected. he went through alot. he just grew from the pain. tall people have pain. everyone has something. your size is not the issue. somehow it%26#039;s become the identified %26quot;problem%26quot;. there are millions of guys ur size that have done quite well. not everyone is going to like you. not everyone likes the most beautiful women/men. it%26#039;s your attitude. find a counselor and they will help you. until then read some books.

    sexual attractiveness is an attitude. fake it til you make it. if you have to move to start over, then move.
    I am really concerned that you would use your height to validate your choice to take your own life.

    I will answer your questions in order and make further comment at the end.

    -Yes, my brother in law, among others

    -yes, all of them

    -My brother in laws family were devastated. He was one of two sons (I was married to the other). They blamed themselves for not raising him right, noticing he was unhappy, etc. His wife lost the baby she was carrying. His two children (12 %26amp;9) thought they weren%26#039;t good enough and thought that was one of the reasons. The ongoing emotional issues are still being worked out 12 years later.

    -I was heartbroken when bil took his life, he and I were very good friends. Of course I felt guilty he hadn%26#039;t confided in me and I hadn%26#039;t noticed anything unusual in his behaviour in the weeks before.

    -I used to consider it an individual%26#039;s choice. Now I think it is incredibly selfish unless someone is suffering a severe mental illness and not in total control of themselves (no concept of action/reaction). Having said that, if someone has a terminal illness and are in the final stages, euthanasia may be an alternative in some situations where a long, painful death is the only other option.

    -All the people I know who have suicided were attached or had been.

    -Not necessarily, actually most were very outgoing types of people.

    -Sexual attraction is relative, there are too many variables.

    -None of them had any outstanding %26#039;unattractive%26#039; physical characteristics, only one was incredibly attractive according to the standards presented to us by the media.

    I disagree with your closing comments. It is an indictment on the society in which we live and the culture we allow to perpetuate that someone thinks they need to kill themselves because they are too short/tall/fat/pimply/dark/pale/old, etc. How shallow we have become.

    The ones who will make a difference are not the ones who kill themselves, all they will do is cause grief to their families and ongoing heartache. The ones who will make the difference are the ones who continue to succeed because they ignore society%26#039;s idea of what they should look/sound/act like, and are just themselves. Nothing is more attractive than a natural person.
    it is the most selfish thing anyone can do and leaves families devastated

    my sisters husband did it.

    but by the length of your question and all the questions in it, you have no intention of doing it, you%26#039;re only on here for a laugh, and the people giving you all this advice are the ones being taken in by you

    now go and do something constructive
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  • Is haveing Children really THAT bad???

    Ok, so I posted a question on here a few days ago asking :

    What do you think causes people to be so negative and angry??

    Don't they realize how bad this effects their lives???

    I got a few answers from women saying that it was thier children who made them this way! I'll copy one of the answer on here:

    %26quot;If you EVER have teenagers, you will be, at times, a person that you would have NEVER thought you become or recognize.

    I am very aware of the unwarranted stress my teenagers, have made in my life. My solutions 1) when they turn eighteen, they are OUT, 2) I am moving out of the country to less accessible, 3) and I'm filing a restraining order.%26quot;

    So do you think that it's the parents fault for having %26quot;bad children%26quot; or the childs fault? I'm not just asking about teenagers but Children in general?

    My personal thoughts are that YOU are the only one who changes your attitude, nobody else does it to you! And kids are kids, they need to be taught and if you don't teach them, then expectIs haveing Children really THAT bad???kids learn what they are taught, see, hear and say....and it is up to the parent to show their kids right from wrong and make sure they are well ballanced kids. When a parent lets thier kids walk all over them and the kids are telling the parents what's going to go on, they have now turned into the kids....everyone is so quick to blame everything else but the one's not tv, it's parent letting them watch's not the music,it's the parents letting them listen to it. when parents don't put their foot down, it leaves the door wide open for the kids to plow through. Kids need to hear you say NO, they need to know right from wrong, and they need to know their parents mean buisness when they talk. and stop blaming everything else but yourself
    Is haveing Children really THAT bad???
    I DO believe it is the parents fault....Growing up, I had a mother and a father who disiplined me and my siblings...We didn't get beat, we got the occasional butt whooping...We got rewarded when we did good and repremanded when we did bad.. None of us have ever been in trouble with the law, we respect our elders...Its all in how you raise a child...I intend on raising my daugther the same way....
    Is haveing Children really THAT bad???
    It's really unfortunate that parents would blame their own children for making them that way. I know some people who joke about it, but overall, they don't mean it, b/c I do know their kids and they're not at all bad.

    A parent's job is to instill good values and morals into their children's lives. If the child is %26quot;bad%26quot;, then part of it is due to some problem with the parenting.

    My son is turning 9, my daughter will soon be 6. We do face challenges with both of them, naturally. I'm not going to blame my children for any of the difficulties that my husband and I face. We're more mature than that.

    It's a shame that there are parents who say that having children is really THAT bad. I feel for them, for they are losing out on so much.
    Very few people have it easy when raising kids. People who haven't raised a child to age 20 can't honestly answer this question because things change. I raised 2 sons. One is extremely successful %26amp; the best son anyone could ever ask for. My other son became a drug addict in his teens. He was an intelligent, decent, compassion %26amp; adorable young man. Did I raise them differently? No Did something happen to one %26amp; not the other maybe we can't really scienfically figure out the details but no big thing happened that I know of. I love both my sons. The one died in 1999. I have heard ignorant people blame parents when kids are drug addicts. If you go to a NarAnon meeting you see every kind of person in that room which shows that this is a spiritual path. It brought us together, it has taught me to never judge. It is giving me this honest answer for you....As far as having little kids. Well, if you are single %26amp; free you can not imagine how different your life will be. If you jump in the car to go somewhere or just take a nap when you like, imagine you have an 8 year old %26amp; a 7 year old in the house. How can you go take a nap when they are outside on their bikes. It really is hard so listen to alot of people without judgement. It's easier for people to lie about this then to be accused of all the things they will be acused of by being truthful. It appears that some people raise really great children. I have heard so much about how people love Chelsea Clinton, well she is an only child which is much easier, her parents are extremely intelligent %26amp; have tons of money so they have some advantages. There are kids that are pure sweethearts yet growing up with every obstacle possible. So I don't think we can honestly blame or credit parents for much.
    Having children are not that bad. Some children end up bad because they witness anger in the home alot and the think that being bad is a natural process of growing up I have 4 children of my own and yes they were bad but not to the extent that i wanted to keep them away from me i love my children with all my heart and if you think that your children will grow up bad then they will just love them with all your heatr and never think that they will grow up bad.LOVE THEM AND LET THEM KNOW THAT THEY ARE LOVED
    i only have a toddler....but i used to get really annoyed by i am patient and loving and understanding...i guess it just depends. sometimes he pisses me off...yea...but would i trade him...NEVER!! and he probably will make me even more mad as he grows up but with love and sure ill be fine....if you have that special bond.
    I think that people need to adapt themselves to the situation.

    I never ever wanted kids, cant even look after myself.

    Im 8 months pregnant and really looking forward to my baby girl.

    I'm aware that it wont be all roses and light, but it wont all be hell on earth.

    chances are if a parent gives you that kind of response to their children,its some level of sarcasm,

    My mum waited 27 years to get rid of me,and now i cant get her off the phone!!

    your kids are your kids and that bond and love between you is unconditional.

    I also belive how you bring up your kids is your choice, always listen to advice from other people (welcome or not!!) you dont have to act on that advice, but you might just come across something you later rely on!!

    Is it possible to change your life completely by the end of 30 days? ?

    I'm 23, and I think i've been posting a couple %26quot;emo%26quot; self loathing questions about job hunts and lack of a social life. But, I'm trying to keep hope alive about a possibility of changing that factor.

    The fact that I feel like a joke, partially because in the past I haven't exercised fairly good judgment on my demeaner and attitude with some people-- seems to have carried onto my current life and relationships with others. So, realizing that %26quot;this%26quot; is not working, I'm wondering, in 30 days how much can I really change?

    I'm not updated on current events, I don't feel comfortable around most people, and am very half *** about my hobbies. The motivation to pursue the hobbies and do my best is very lacking due to the fact that I feel at the age of 23 I should have a job, or at least have been working and moving up in my field.

    if it's possible to change your life significantly in 30 days, how would one go about doing that?Is it possible to change your life completely by the end of 30 days? ?one day or half day is enough to change the self, well whether you have observed it or not we change everyday, even the films we watch even we would replay this over and over again they would always mean something else.

    so yes in the span of 30 days if you choose to be someone different then that would happen.
    Is it possible to change your life completely by the end of 30 days? ?
    Does emo mean emotional?
    Is it possible to change your life completely by the end of 30 days? ?
    Of course you can. One thing that helped me was going to the gym everyday. It was something completely new in my life and it made me feel new and healthy. Do different things. Think about alot of things and come up with ideas, solutions, and other things that will make change a little. Also do things you were previously afraid to do. Hope that helps.
    every day you are changing a little. 30 days isn't that much.. and you aren't going to make many if any groundbreaking, life altering changes in that short of a period of time... but you can start the journey.. and make noticeable progress... if it's what you really want.
    Yeah. By doing a shitload of drugs, killing someone, going to prison, there are plenty of things!
    Be brave!!! Move far away from the town or city you live in.Move some place that is completely different in climate,size, population and terrain.Now ,you must build a new life,meet new people and find a job.Make sure you go alone and you do not know anyone in the area.Now look at some maps,you will find that new life somewhere.At least it will be different!! Do it!
    For a 'complete' person, it's possible to change his/her life completely within 30%26quot; sec. even.
    Here is some insight from my experience. I took the time to write this because I feel for you in your situation, and understand what you are going through. I hope I can be of some assistance.

    The most important thing to do is to realize and acknowledge your problems, and truly WANT to change them. You can't just tell yourself you want to do something. You have to really want it, and be prepared to do anything for it. Tell yourself that you can change, and you WILL. That is essential.

    Once you are at that point, you need to go through all of your problems, and try to think of a basic solution for each of them. In this situation, many people do this: they realize they have a problem, they want to fix it, but they don't actually give themselves enough time to actually think it through thoroughly. This is the next essential step. Go through each problem, and think of potential solutions for them. If you do this, it's actually not as hard as you realized to think up solutions.

    After you have done that, the next thing to do is to TAKE ACTION. I can't stress this enough. There are too many people who are thinking in the right way, but don't actually put their thoughts into action! At one point you need to tell yourself to JUST DO IT. No one is going to do it for you. You have to depend on yourself to make this change. Support from friends and family is always helpful, but in the end, it all depends on you. So based on the possible solutions you have thought of, take action and see what happens!! Maybe you get the desired result, maybe you don't. But even if you don't, this is your chance to learn from your mistake! QUOTEEEEE. Think of better solutions, or an improved solution, and ACT on it.

    It's good to set goals for yourself in this process. Just make sure they aren't unrealistic. Don't try and force yourself to change in 30 days, just give as much time as you need to do it. It might be possible in 30 days, it might take months.

    I know this advice may seem very basic, but you see too many people who cannot get past simple things like these. As for some advice regarding your situation specifically, my friend you are only 23! You are younger than you think. Just because many other people around you already have a job at 23, doesn't mean you are failure if you don't have one. Everyone is different. You still have time! So much time.

    It's also important to accept that some change does not happen overnight. Rome was not built in one day. It happens step by step. Be patient and your desired results will come over time.

    Whenever I see an appealing quote, I write it down in my phone so I can look at the list every day for inspiration. Here are some quotes that might give more insight (apologize for not having the source):

    %26quot;The reason most people never reach their goals is that they don't define them, or even seriously consider them as believable or achievable. Winners can tell you where they are going, what they plan to do along the way, and who will be sharing the adventure with them.%26quot;

    %26quot;Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action.%26quot;

    %26quot;Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions.%26quot; -Einstein

    %26quot;Whatever the mind of man can conceive, it can achieve.%26quot; -W. Clement Stone

    %26quot;What you resist persists.%26quot; -Carl Jung

    %26quot;All power is from within and is therefore under our own control.%26quot; Robert Collier

    %26quot;Whether you think you can or you can't, either way you are right.%26quot; -Henry Ford

    Good luck, and don't give up if you truly want to change! Most importantly, enjoy life!
    There are certain parts of your life that can be changed in a moment and I mean changed forever. When I was a young, cocky A*S doing a great deal of crazy stuff, well the law finally caught up with me, my fake friends disappeared as did the %26quot;Big money%26quot;, I walked into court for sentencing with my father, he didn't abandon me. I heard my sentence read and somehow couldn't believe that I was really that %26quot;Bad%26quot; person which the judge referred to. I was escorted to a little room with a cell. That door slammed shut with a clang, bang. At that precise moment I made a decision to change my life and never, never be in that situation ever again. It was hard, prison life and my reputation followed me, funny how that happens. But I kept my eye on the price to borrow from the late Dr. King. As my time went on and I began to become at ease with myself and those around me began to realize that I had made a change it was simply a matter of keeping my mind busy and waiting for the day that I would walk out and put my new found self to the test of the real world. It was even harder on the outside because of jobs, holding jobs, finally used my GI bill to return to college where the openness of the environment allowed me to grow and prosper in my plan. I have stuck with ever since, that journey began in 1972, never been back in a jail or prison since and have spent my life helping others make better decisions not by telling them what to do but by giving them options and hope they to are ready to make that change. Was going to ask President Bush for a pardon but that was already done spiritually in 1972..
    I don't know if it's possible, but what a challenge! And not if your 50 or older.

    Can anyone give me a conclusion about this?Please Answer?

    Some Bad Habits of Students in School

    There are many causes of bad habits of the students in school. Some of them are caused by friends, friends always hanging out which can lead on cutting classes and drinking liquor which can affect them physically. The most common thing that friends do when they are hanging out, they play computer games which can lead to addiction.

    Another bad habit that friends can influence is bullying. Bullying is the act of intentionally causing harm to others, through verbal harassment, physical assault, or other more subtle methods of coercion such as manipulation.

    Family is the one who lays the foundation in building a strong person and teaching good moral and right conduct but all families encounter problems. Lack of attention is common on big families because they tend to be jealous to each other and even hatred, misunderstanding, or miscommunication in the family that may lead a student to do bad habits because they feel that nobody cares for them.

    Teachers can be the cause to the students to do bad habits because some teachers have favoritism as a result students to disobey them and they feel envious to other students.

    This also makes a student feel they are lacking of skill to impress their teacher that they can do what others can do, so what they will do is just not to study.

    The effect of bad habits of students can largely affect their grades in school, they can get failing grades or even repeat their studies as a result their parents give them limited allowance as a consequence.

    If there are many causes and effects of bad habits, there are also many solutions for them. One of them is changing attitudes; it can be achieved by changing our way of lifestyle. Asking or seeking help to your parents or other knowledgeable can be useful in solving or changing your attitudes, they can give advices on how or what to do. Consolidating oneself or strengthening ourselves can help us on facing our problems it can help us seeking the solution for it.

    Accepting the truth helps us to overcome our problems and fears in life. We just need to face and accept the problems because if we do nothing, our problems or fears won go away. The best way in taking away our bad habits is having faith to God because he can solve any problems, just trust in him and he will help you in changing your life, praying is one way of communicating to Jesus and we should always praise and give thanks to him.Can anyone give me a conclusion about this?Please Answer?I can tell you right now that there are conflicting resolutions in this as it suddenly changes from self-help to faith as religious resolve is questionable in others. If there can be a spiritual aspect to it rather than concluding that it's %26quot;Jesus,%26quot; and not some %26quot;higher power,%26quot; than you should have an easier time conjuring up a conclusion.

    Unless it's for some religion studies class or something similar, try wrapping it up by stating that faith in ourselves and acknowledging a higher power offers a broader resolution to habits that resonate immoral reasoning or means. The idea that working in %26quot;harmony%26quot; should tie the ideas together as bullying is the opposition to another, teachers playing favorites are neglecting others as well, and various other reasons stated play into the same idea. Goodluck buddy!
    Can anyone give me a conclusion about this?Please Answer?
    Hey dude is it a question or a essay about your feelings.

    One thing i understood is that you need help to overcome your problem and you even know what to do to your problem.

    So pray to Jesus everyday and ask him to give you strength to follow the right path.

    Question for the girls( part 3)?

    If you were dismissive in part1 and changed your attitude in part 2 how would you feel if guys only talked to you because you had a good looking mate?Question for the girls( part 3)?I answered all 3 of your questions. I would be hurt is someone only approached me because I have a good looking friend.

    But I'm not the kind of person who cares only about the way someone looks.
    Question for the girls( part 3)?
    You tell us about how you feel about it
    Question for the girls( part 3)?
    id feel louesy
    Get surgery!
    My answer didnt change i still thought he was ugly, but i would feel awful if that happened to me.

    P.S I love the word mate instead of friend. They should start saying that in America too.
    I wouldn't care..
    Mine didn't change because im not a shallow person. I won't just talk to someone to get with their friends. That's just sad because looks ain't everything. And trust me everyones beutiful in their own way it may not be looks but every single person out there has something unique about them. And i may not be attracted to them but someone else will be.

    No part 4 then?
    I'd feel sad...but all I got to say man is either change ur appearence or find an ugly girl who doesnt care what u look like!
    I wouldnt speak to either of you's because I've got a boyfriend, and even if the so called %26quot;ugly guy%26quot; did catch my eye I wouldn't judge a book by it's cover!
    guys do that all the time, guys make friends with fit girls ugly mates to get in their good books, and so the fit girls mate will say to her, he's really nice and friendly etc. annoys me when people do this.....its so fake!
    I am not unnattractive but have a girlfriend who oozes sex appeal and a couple of times we have all gone out togehter and a group of guys might come over to us. usually they are young, and from time to time a guy will ask the other girls in the group how do we feel that all the guys are chatting up this one girl. I think it makes them look like idiots when they say this, none of us have been offended because its only made our solidarity against idiot little boys greater, and it doesnt make the girl getting all the attention feel good because she realises they are jerks who don't appreciate her friends.
    I wouldnt care any less.


    Where I'm from, I don't know anyone who committed suicide.

    -Have you ever known anyone who committed suicide?

    -Did they have a good social life?

    -How did it affect their families?

    -How did it affect you?

    -Has it changed your attitude towards suicide/euthanasia?

    -Do you think that they are better off dead?

    - (think existence vs. nonexistence (a dreamless sleep))

    -Where they people who weren't likely to date?

    -Where they shy around the opposite sex?

    -Where they, in objective opinion, not sexually attractive?

    -If so what features/characteristics made them unattractive?

    I think there is a direct correlation between suicidiality and the progeny of ones genes meaning, the less likely someone is to pass on thier genes (ex. sexually unnattractive people) the more easier it is for them to commit suicide. Think if this may apply to the person you are mentioning. I think a study of this may occur in the future. Thanks.Have YOU ever KNOWN ANYONE WHO COMMITTED SUICIDE?Wow you don't have a life do you. But yes Ive known 3 people that took their lives and I do not care to share any details beyond that.
    I didn't know the guy, but it was some Cuban kid at my school like two years ago. I felt sorry for him because he was abused by his parents.
    One of my neighbours hung herself after her husband left her. They didn't have children though.

    She was only about 35 and was quite attractive.

    I don't think 'ugly' people are necessarily less likely to get married. For every ugly man, there is an ugly woman.
    yes,yes,how do you think,sad,no,no,no,no,no, as far as your opinion, your entitled to it ,but I don't agree.
    Yes i know someone. They were attractive. There is no dreamless sleep. I believe your spirit still exist after death. I also think that such a study would be a waste of time. What may be unattractive to one is not to another. Get this junk out of your mind.
    yea. he was a great guy. funny confident. had girlfriends. positive. i had no idea what was going on he his head. when i found out i was so so shocked and sad. i couldnt beleive it. i did not see it coming. i have had sucidual friends before and they were all depressed and cut themselves heaps but turns out thats an attention thing.... its scary but a real suicdal person is queit and doesnt let anyone know what they are thinking. they try to give know clues. they also say a suicual person has it planned like a month before they actually go through with it. so in the month leading up to it , they write notes or say good bye to love ones by being extra nice and acting happy toward them.

    i think sucide is a selfish thing but i understand they think they have no other option. but its not true. you can overcome it. and get better and happy again. sucide should not exist. there is enough death around , that it is unfair for ppl to kill themselves over unhappiness which they can get better from and be happy again. i think there needs to be more professional help avaliable.
    -Yes. His name was Ryan.

    -He did not have a good, social life, but picked on by boys and girls.

    -Everyone in his family are still upset. There child is gone, forever, wouldn't you?

    -When I heard this, I cried. Such an amazing man, killed himself.

    -Of course! Suicide to me is so much more of a problem.

    -No, he died because his old friends were so mean, and he would have grown up to be so impactive.

    -He was never dated, and girls would pretend on IM, but really be joking.

    -He was made fun of girls! Yes, he was shy, too.

    -he was not extremely atrractinve, but to me he was very handsome.

    -People pinpoint anything; it depends who you are.
    YES! I have known two people that committed suicide. Both left behind people that loved them, one was married with kids. Bith suicides marred numerous family and friends lives and did unrepairabale damage.

    SUICIDE is a permanent solution to a TEMPORARY problem!!

    Both were attractive, in good shape and were fun to be around. Each had some personal issues but were solveable. Neither seemed to try or get help.

    I miss them both.

    If your considering suicide, go see a professional for counseling. Its discreet and the counselor, priest, or minister can help.
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  • How do you change for someone your in love with?

    the guy im in love with wants me to change so we can be together.he wants me to change my attitude of how i go off on people, my smart mouth and how i hide my feelings and emotions. but im this way because of stuff that has happened to me in the past. what should i do?How do you change for someone your in love with?Well my first thought is dont change yourself for anyone! But since these are good changes instead of him telling you to lose weight or something i would say do it.. How long have you been together? Maybe if you open up to him about what makes you do these things then he can help to figure out how to help you stop doing them.. I am sort of the same way.. If I get mad at my bf i just dont say anything and i bottle it inside for awhile then i will just go off.. Its very unhealthy, because if you want him to know how you feel, you have to tell him.. Plus, going off on people makes you look stupid and immature.. Have you ever witnessed a girl going off?? I have a few times, it makes me so mad because they are just embarassing themselves, thats why i dont do it as often.. lol I regret it later... But no one can really tell you how to change, you have to do it yourself.. So talk to someone and get it all out in the open and maybe you will feel better and realize that its ok to open up... Good luck :)
    How do you change for someone your in love with?
    He WANTS you to change? Don't.
    How do you change for someone your in love with?
    If he loved you he wouldn't want you to change yourself for him, be yourself!
    dont change for no guy girl thats my best advice. if he doesnt like you for who you are dump his sorry a**
    thats what makes you, you.

    you should never change for a guy...

    and if he really cared for you the way you care for him, he wouldnt ask you to change!

    find someone who really appreciates you for who you are!
    welll if u love him enough u will forget the past he just wants u to be happy and the way it sounds it aint that great just think if his that important to you .u will change ur ways i aint saying that u will change from just one day it will take time and he should support u while ur changing
    easy you dont change for change for you. A change like this isnt for him its for you but he is right to ask this because how can he be happy with someone who isnt happy. I'm the same way though so i understand, and its not easy to change these things but im sure itll be worth it in the end. im in the same boat though.

    How did you feel about your pubic hair before you started to "sprout"?

    Did you know you were going to have pubic hair before yours started to grow? Did you look forward to it? How did you feel about it when it started to come in? Did your attitude change at all? Were you an early bloomer? Or late? Did you have older siblings to serve as examples of what to expect?

    When I learned from a book on sex when I was 12 that I was going to have pubic hair eventually, I was determined to shave it off! But by the time it started to grow, I was in junior high and showering with other boys who were starting to sprout, so then I didn't mind having it. Now I regard it as a well-earned badge of manhood.

    What was your experience?How did you feel about your pubic hair before you started to %26quot;sprout%26quot;?Yes, I knew because we watched a puberty video in school. I didn't really regard it as very important, but I didn't want to shave it off either. When the first few hairs started to grow, I was actually excited since I was becoming a man, so I got a bit more happier and was determined not to shave it off. I got so possessive that I even shampooed my pubic hair so they wouldn't fall out!

    My hair started to grow at the age of 13, and I'm 14 now. My pubic hair has grown a lot, and its covering a lot of my pubic area. I didn't have anyone to look toward to except my father. When I was 13 I showed him my hair and I asked him how much I would grow, and he said tons of it would grow. He told me that he shaved down there and said I should too. I don't know why but I agreed and we shaved my pubic hair off. I hated it because I felt like a bare baby and it itched a lot. When it grew back I was so happy and relieved, and just like you I regard it as a sign of masculinity and I'm never gonna shave it off!
    How did you feel about your pubic hair before you started to %26quot;sprout%26quot;?
    Hahaha I love the questions on here.
    How did you feel about your pubic hair before you started to %26quot;sprout%26quot;?
    i always shave mine. i find that its more clean looking. but when i first got it i was the first out of all my friends and that made me feel good. i never shaved it until my gf made me. but i started to %26quot;sprout%26quot; in like 4th grade... i was an early bloomer and i am now 6ft 4in.
    I would say that before I had it I didn't even think about having pubes. When I was in school they did not teach us anything like they do now. Sex was or anything to do with it was absolutely taboo. I did have older siblings but somehow we never saw each other in any stage of nudity. I was an earlier bloomer compared to many of my friends as I was already shaving { my face }as a freshmen in high school. So needless to say I had more than my share of pubes as a young teen. When I see how things are taught today I feel like I was really cheated on growing up where everything was taboo. I guess it was after I got out of high school that I decided that the pubes had to go that I just didn't like them. I was concerned about what others would say for the longest time but then I thought who is going to know that I shaved my pubes. I am not a member of a nudist camp however I would not mind it. I don't need pubic hair to know that I am a man and it is a shame if that is how we are judged.
    When I grew up, it was quite normal for guys to strip in front of each other in the pool lockerrooms and also in the lockers at gym class. So of course I saw many guys growing up that were fully pubed out, and it was normal to me when I got hair since all the adult males I had seen had pubes and more. Seems like in the past few years with less public school requirements for phys ed, and kids showering in boxer shorts boys don't see what other boys and men look like anymore.

    Can you give me advice/feedback on this concept?

    I would like to make a simple website that will provide money for a certain non-profit from ad revenue. This would require lots of visitors monthly.

    Right now, my idea to generate traffic is make a simple site where users would take a picture of them smiling on the homepage using a webcam. There would be facts about smiles and how it can instantly change your attitude etc. Then users can rank others smiles and the top smiles would appear on the homepage. I would call it smilesforchange.

    I have many years of experience developing web applications. If done right, could this work? If not, what could be a better idea along these lines: A simple website/web application where users help make the world a better place with little effort. The main goal is to get the most traffic possible to generate revenue from ads.Can you give me advice/feedback on this concept?The only thing I see wrong with this WONDERFUL concept is the potential for it to be abused. Without the proper moderation, it's quite possible that someone could log onto to find pictures of d*cks staring them in the face. I assume there will be some sort of filtering system...

    I also feel like there wouldn't be too many repeat visitors. I would definitely go to that website, but again and again? Smiles are smiles...that might be a good component to incorporate into a larger feel-good website.

    Also, when people see something called %26quot;for change%26quot;, they expect it to do more than make internet users happy. Would some ad revenue go to, say, third-world country dentistry? Maybe you make a donation along with your smile, highest donation gets top billing on the page?

    Again, this is a great concept, but the potential for misuse, the fact that the site's really a one-trick pony, and the charity concept are all issues that need to be addressed. As I said, this may have more potential as one component of a general feel-good site.
    Can you give me advice/feedback on this concept?
    Yes, GREAT idea %26amp;or how about SHORT recordings (say 5secs, MAX 10) of laughing? Do you know it actually makes people happier %26amp; can change a persons mood in seconds %26amp; therefore maybe LOTS of re-visits? It also extends Life. Another reason to re-visit often!?


    HaHaHaHaHeHeHeHeHoHoHoHo LOL :o)

    Report Abuse

    Can you give me advice/feedback on this concept?
    It is a wonderful idea. Good luck.
    smile website

    u limit users to those who have nice smiles (a smile contest?) alotta ugly smiles online, lol

    ponder why would a user would search or stumble upon your site %26amp; why would they'd regularly visit

    opinion: this may not grow big, but generate some interest if supplies HIGH benefits to visitors

    Smilesforchange Mobile App is a better idea

    use your web app skills and get on Android, iPhone, or Blackberry

    target market, find high-traffic areas that will use this (from toothpaste trade shows to local dentist office)

    if you're a non-profit, this helps you get free monies to grow large

    if you're a business, you must market/promote/advertise effectively %26amp; mobile apps may sale for $1 but to over a few thousand people.

    I am a marketing company, now engaging in future trends from social media marketing to geo-location to augmented reality ideas. I have experience in graphic design and study business marketing frequently. If you ever need some advice on targetting, making your brand viral on social networks, or ways to get high traffic for cheap by being smart %26amp; effective... just email at I like motivated people %26amp; especially ideas to help the world be a better place. Take care!
    Great concept, but there definitely needs to be a person who moderates the pictures being taken in order to filter out the pervs. Also I do see this type of site generating visitors, but in order to keep them coming back you want to add something else to it in order to keep them coming back. For instance you could make it into a sort or social website where people can post comments and questions on the photos. If a comment is made on someone鈥檚 photo then an automatic email is sent telling them about the comment and a link to take them back to the website. Just like how Facebook notifies people by email.

    Also if you want to generate large amounts of traffic then just putting up the website is not going to be enough. You definitely need to work on some SEO and link building techniques in order to generate traffic from referral sites and search engines. has some basic ideas to get your started if you don't already know.

    Great Idea and good luck with it!

    How can i get my sister to stop going threw my stuff and taking my things?

    I'm 14 and have a twin sister. She's always taking my stuff and saying that it's hers, when i know its not and when i tell my dad he says that were sisters and we d share. I really try to share and be nice about it but it's hard because she never wants to give anything back and when I get her upset she says %26quot;ever since mom left you have gotten really mean and you should change your attitude%26quot; or %26quot;well it looks better on me%26quot; or %26quot;This was made for me%26quot;

    what should I do?How can i get my sister to stop going threw my stuff and taking my things?geeze she sounds like a ****

    write your name on your things. or make it so she wont want your things, like hide all your nice things and leave out all the stuff you dont care about.
    How can i get my sister to stop going threw my stuff and taking my things?
    buy some mouse traps
    How can i get my sister to stop going threw my stuff and taking my things?
    take something she likes and not give it back.
    mouse traps or electric shock
    Omgg, my twin does the same thing to me. I hate it!

    Ughh it gets so annoying %26amp; my parents tell me that we're twins

    %26amp; we should share.... i hate it, sometimes i lose my temper but i can't

    do anything about it. Just mark your stuff with permanent things.

    %26amp; then have prove or put a camera somewhere or something.

    I did that %26amp; now she barely takes my stuff. she onnly takes my money

    %26amp; some of my stuff bt eventually gives it back.
    Set her up so she gets real embarrassed the next time she is rifling through your drawer. Maybe put some dog poop in a plastic bag and she will open it only to gag.
    Tell her not to be so rude and start taking her stuff let her have a taste of her own medicine

    hope this helps


    I wanna be more outgoing?

    so when i think im being %26quot;outgoing%26quot; im making a fool out of myself and acting really imature. i wanna be the person people wanna hang out with and alot of people think im funny but i act REALLY imature and i try not to but i cant help it, and i can tell its causing me to make people not wanna chill with me i think cause people will wanna be with me around school but ouside of school i dont get invited to ANYTHING, i dont know what to do my social life is going down so much not that it was ever up because i was shy now its the opposite and it sucks, how do you change your attitude..also im not a reallly cuddily person and alot of people i know give their friends hugs and what not all the time and no one ever does it to me i dont think i come off as a warm kinda person because sometimes im not and another thing is i can be reallllly negative and i cant control it HELLPPPPPPPP!I wanna be more outgoing?just b an all-around nicer person..that will go a long way. plus try new things and meet new people.

    ps...if u r thinking about doing somthing stupid..just think about it first and pick the rite decision
    I wanna be more outgoing?
  • vb
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  • I wanna be more outgoing?

    I wanna be more outgoing?....

    so when i think im being %26quot;outgoing%26quot; im making a fool out of myself and acting really imature. i wanna be the person people wanna hang out with and alot of people think im funny but i act REALLY imature and i try not to but i cant help it, and i can tell its causing me to make people not wanna chill with me i think cause people will wanna be with me around school but ouside of school i dont get invited to ANYTHING, i dont know what to do my social life is going down so much not that it was ever up because i was shy now its the opposite and it sucks, how do you change your attitude..also im not a reallly cuddily person and alot of people i know give their friends hugs and what not all the time and no one ever does it to me i dont think i come off as a warm kinda person because sometimes im not and another thing is i can be reallllly negative and i cant control it HELLPPPPPPPP!I wanna be more outgoing?it depends on how old u are

    act cool or dont just keep on shouting out or like make annoying noises and stuff

    take a survey of whats annoying and whats not

    hope i helped
    I wanna be more outgoing?
    ok im really outgoing just try to like have fun and dont be shy because im sure that the %26quot;outgoing%26quot; ones in your school went by that prob. ohh and try to play that immature game in your house where no one can see you. just be cool and dont talk about cartoon talk about realety t.v
    I wanna be more outgoing?
    To let people know you want to be there friend just talk to them and smile a lot.

    When you feel like you guys talk a lot,

    you should ask for their number and call them sometime to see if they wanna do something.

    Then it will just go from there and you guys will be best friends!
    Being outgoing doesn't mean being LOUD, it means going out of your way to become friends with people. If you have a friend that you are in the slightest bit friends with, try talking to them. Compliment their shoes or what ever! Then ask them where they got them from, and then ask them if they want to go shopping some time as an excuse to become closer to them. Then when you guys are close enough, you will meet their friends. Or you will meet their friends eventually at school if the chilling thing doesn't happen at school Start talking to them and introduce yourself, laugh, smile, what ever. Be comfortable! I'm extremely shy myself, but I have gotten a lot of friends by doing this. Its not easy, but its so worth it!

    Thoughts on the New Anti-Piracy Law?

    Well, earlier in the week, Fearless Leader signed into law a very tough sanction package aimed at counterfeit merchandise and P2P downloading...much to the joy of RIAA and the Motion Picture Lobby. It seems that the new law is going to be seriously enforced...and with severe penalties. How will this change your attitude about P2P and file sharing in general.

    For me...let's just say uTorrent is no longer on any of my computers...and all of my fansubs (which are legit because they are for unlicensed work only) are on removable 1Tb HDDs.Thoughts on the New Anti-Piracy Law?It doesn't change my attitude at all, which was very cynical. Copyright and Patent Law were explicitly intended to promote publication by providing protections. And there have been studies suggesting that a substantial portion of the drop in music sales comes from people who stop listening to music and instead go to user-generated content on the Internet for their entertainment. Why do they stop listening to music? Because mix tapes, and so forth, which were certainly our prerogative in the sixties and seventies, are now called piracy. We can't own music any more so we aren't listening to it.

    As a Linux user, I am especially upset about all this -- it is nonsense. Why? What is a torrent. I'm going to link to a couple which are very relevant to me:鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

    That's right, most distributions and even some of the biggest, use torrents to distribute themselves, as a more economical alternative. In fact, this was the original use for torrents -- not necessarily linux but techie stuff. The law is a disaster which provides many ways for unscrupulous people to net us into their get-rich-quick schemes because it was written at the behest of unscrupulous people who want the government to protect them from the effects of their own actions in a free market.

    Vote Obama and lobby him. Is he a good choice? No, but he is better than the alternative and with the organizing going on I do believe he is likely to listen eventually.

    Oh, and though I've used this in writing this, I've decided this is too techie to be a source, but check out: anyhow.

    How do I rewire my neural pathways from negative to positive?

    My sexual experience is limited, and I've had a large number of negative sexual experiences, spanning the better part of my active sexuality, and it has come to the point where I can't have sex with my partner because the moment he suggests anything sexual (whether physically or verbally) I feel revulsed and a strong negativity surrounding the whole idea.

    I really want to be able to have positive, loving and satisfying sex with him!

    But sex just feels so...ugly and painful to me.

    %26quot;get over it/change your attitude%26quot; is easy to say, but doing it is just not so simple.

    Constructive ideas and suggestions, please - anyone!! This is a real problem for me. And him!!! :PHow do I rewire my neural pathways from negative to positive?It is important to replace negative beliefs with positive, more true beliefs.

    Sex feels ugly and painful to you. Is it ugly because of your perception of your body? Is it ugly because of your perception of his body? What prompts you to believe it is ugly? That's what you need to delve into your psyche and discover. Then once you discover WHY you feel sex is ugly, it will be possible to replace the untruth with more realistic present-day truth in the here-and-now.

    Sex feels painful to you? Do you seriously experience pain with intercourse? Perhaps you may wish to investigate the dilemma further with a OB/GYN physician. If you are experiencing pain and there is something that is available to resolve it, then it follows that sex will feel differently to you.

    Is the pain physical or emotional? Do you associate sex with an unpleasant event in your past? It is important to work through the beliefs that you've established in your mind and body and test them, see if the beliefs are valid, are true, and are factual. If the negative beliefs are not supported by fact and logic, then they need to be discarded and replaced with positive and affirming beliefs, such as %26quot;sex is a beautiful, treasured token of our love and togetherness that only we share with each other.%26quot;

    Beliefs are sometimes difficult to uncover and delve into. It is helpful to be in a quiet environment, alone, without interruption, and perferably candle-lit. These environmental influences are conducive to deep thinking and inward reflection, which is what you will need to pursue if you want to replace negative beliefs and thoughts with positive beliefs and thoughts. If you are consistent in seeking these untruths out, then you will find them and become successful in changing your perspective and enjoying sex with your partner. He will enjoy it much more, as well, because it will help you to be genuinely accepting and open to the closeness, the intimacy, and the pleasure that both of you desire from each other.

    When your horse starts to act up and it scares you a bit what is the first thing you do?

    I mean what is your attitude change and how do you deal with it and your feelings? I get a bit more frightened than I did when I was a youngster and I know this goes right to my horse and I hate myself for it.When your horse starts to act up and it scares you a bit what is the first thing you do?I just push my feelings to the back of my head and deal with the there and now. I make myself forget about what ifs, because they can eat you up if you let them. I remind myself, that if I start getting scared I've completely lost control - so I make myself deal with the issue and deal with myself later when I'm through the issues.

    One thing people have a habit of doing when they're scared is holding their breath, so watch yourself when you next get scared - as just taking a few deep breaths can sometimes be enough to clear your head and calm you down.

    Nerves are a part of riding, we all have to learn how to deal with them in some point in our lives. There is not shame in being a bit nervous, but you need to learn to control nerves and get on with it - because it's when you allow nerves to take control, that you lose control.
    When your horse starts to act up and it scares you a bit what is the first thing you do?
    Right, my horse....
    When your horse starts to act up and it scares you a bit what is the first thing you do?
    the horse can always sense you tense up or when you get scared. and this is saying %26quot;okay fine you can do whatever you want and get your way if you act up%26quot;, just like a little child. you have to make sure your the one in charge. dont be afraid to get pushy and agressive. show em whos boss. also time in the round pen and basic ground work gains ALOT of respect with your horse. everytime i have a session with my horse, shes the most gentle and sweetest thing ever.
    Well if a horse I'm riding acts up, I usually go from happy/confident to stern. I know that if I get angry and start whipping him violently, it won't end well in the long run for both rider and horse. There is always something that makes the horse act up, so I try to think quickly and find it. It is always important that you are in charge of your horse (it should be a 51/49% relationship.) Some people believe that you need to be equal with your horse and thats understandable but you always need that 1% more control because you don't want to get hurt.

    If my horse acts up, I take a deep breathe (if I have time lol) and immediaty take control of the situation.
    When I was working at a horse rescue, the gelding that was %26quot;mine%26quot; (i took care of him when I was there, and got super attached to him) pinned me in the corner of his stall one night because he didn't want me to leave. If the horse in the stall next to us got to close he would attack him, and he would cut me off (never tried to hurt me, but made it clear that I was not getting passed him!) I was just very stern with him, talked to him and after a few minutes of just being calm and not getting hyper or showing fear, he let me walk out. He scared the heck out of me at first and I nearly cried out for help. But if I would have it would have excited him further and he might have accidentally hurt me. So, it affected me by making me stay calm and collected, and understanding that reacting in fear, as natural as it might be, is definitely not the solution.

    Don't hate yourself for your fear, hun. Accept it, understand it, and it will help you to get beyond it. Good luck, :-3

    ADD: I'm
    Well, it helps when your confident and know you can handle whatever your horse is going to throw at you. :) When you know your horse well and know why and when your horse is going to act up, you can find the answer and work on it and be confident. :)

    I hope I helped (..but don't get too cocky...)
    Well, when a horse tries to scare me on the ground, the first thing I do is make him yield to my space. This means backing off from me. If your horse comes at you in an aggressive way and you back off, he has just established his dominance over you. Remember, you only have a few seconds to make a correction, and it should come as a natural consequence of the horse's behavior. How would the bossiest horse in the field act if your horse pissed him off?

    Look, I see people all the time who are scared of their horses. If it's to the point where you hate yourself for it, maybe you should think about selling your horse and getting one that suits you better. You might enjoy a more sweet tempered horse. If your horse tends to be dominant and you tend to be a timid person, I'm not sure how much you can change that dynamic. What never really helps is sending the horse off to a trainer. Not unless you get training for yourself too.

    The best way to deal with a horse that %26quot;acts up%26quot; is to not get scared! You must be confident and not get rattled. I'm assuming that your horse is basically good natured and just has learned to push you around a bit, not that he's a truly dangerous or ill-tempered animal. Do you ever watch the Dog Whisperer (it's a tv show)? He always talk about having %26quot;calm assertive energy.%26quot; That is what you need. I truly believe that animals respond to our energy. That's really a new-agey way of saying that they read our body language.

    Do you have a more experienced friend who can come work with you and your horse together? Thay way your horse gets a lesson in submitting to human control, and you get to see how a confident handler (but not an aggressive or abusive one) acts around your horse.

    But truly, if you're scared of your horse is it really fun for you? I had horses before that I just had to admit were too much horse for me. I don't like getting bucked off, and once you start worrying about something like that you make it more likely to happen because your horse feels your tension and responds.
    well, my horse only ever acts up out of fear, so i never get angry at her or anything. she's a mustang mare who was formerly abused for many years, so i figure there must be a lot of things to be scared of to her. when i first got her 5 years ago(i was only 11), she spooked at everything. birds, tractors, people, bicycles, dogs, leaves, lizards, cars, etc etc etc. i learned quickly that the best way to deal with this is to remember to stay calm, speak softly, and gently ask her to stop or circle. over time, we've managed to work through for the most part, though she still gets nervous about tractors and bicycles, and she doesnt trust most people on foot at all. now, she's the horse that faces any obstacle and makes all the other horse people jealous when theirs is being difficult.

    the most important thing is to feel the fear at the initial moment, recognize it and move past it into being utterly calm, which naturally calms your horse down too.
    like if the horse acts up, bees silly like he doesnt want to do something i become tough and tell him wat to do but if im leading and he gets a bit scared or something i am calmer because he obviously senses something
    Well, for me, l loooove getting on naughty horses! Just to see how much they will give me! :) But maybe l'm just weird. lf l'm on a horse that starts to act up the first thing l do is grap the reins and pull them in close to me. lf l have his head, he will have a little less mobility. l also sit deeper in the saddle in preperation if he really goes for it. lf the reins thing doesnt work, l pull him into tight circles. lt gets it through their mind that 'lf l do the wrong thing, she makes me work harder, it's just easier to behave and do what she wants.'

    l did the circles with my horse and has never, ever acted up since.

    When they act up, l do feel a rush of adrenaline and my heart is normally pounding, and yeah, afterward, l do feel a bit scared! But l was always taught that if they know your scared, they'll use that and run with it! (Not always literally, but you know what l mean...) So l always put on this brave, tough front to let them know they cant intimidate me.
    I know just how you feel! I am the same way I got bucked from a horse and broke my arm when I went trail ridding because the horse was new at the stables and does not like to have people ride him. So I went trail ridding again at a different stable for my b-day and the horse spooked because of another horse and I feel off again! So now I am very nervous when I ride. I listen to calm relaxing music before I ride and just tell my self that I can do it and if I get at all scared by something the horse is doing I stop and take a break then get back on. Hope this helps!