I'm 23, and I think i've been posting a couple %26quot;emo%26quot; self loathing questions about job hunts and lack of a social life. But, I'm trying to keep hope alive about a possibility of changing that factor.
The fact that I feel like a joke, partially because in the past I haven't exercised fairly good judgment on my demeaner and attitude with some people-- seems to have carried onto my current life and relationships with others. So, realizing that %26quot;this%26quot; is not working, I'm wondering, in 30 days how much can I really change?
I'm not updated on current events, I don't feel comfortable around most people, and am very half *** about my hobbies. The motivation to pursue the hobbies and do my best is very lacking due to the fact that I feel at the age of 23 I should have a job, or at least have been working and moving up in my field.
if it's possible to change your life significantly in 30 days, how would one go about doing that?Is it possible to change your life completely by the end of 30 days? ?one day or half day is enough to change the self, well whether you have observed it or not we change everyday, even the films we watch even we would replay this over and over again they would always mean something else.
so yes in the span of 30 days if you choose to be someone different then that would happen.Is it possible to change your life completely by the end of 30 days? ?Does emo mean emotional?Is it possible to change your life completely by the end of 30 days? ?Of course you can. One thing that helped me was going to the gym everyday. It was something completely new in my life and it made me feel new and healthy. Do different things. Think about alot of things and come up with ideas, solutions, and other things that will make change a little. Also do things you were previously afraid to do. Hope that helps.every day you are changing a little. 30 days isn't that much.. and you aren't going to make many if any groundbreaking, life altering changes in that short of a period of time... but you can start the journey.. and make noticeable progress... if it's what you really want.Yeah. By doing a shitload of drugs, killing someone, going to prison, there are plenty of things!Be brave!!! Move far away from the town or city you live in.Move some place that is completely different in climate,size, population and terrain.Now ,you must build a new life,meet new people and find a job.Make sure you go alone and you do not know anyone in the area.Now look at some maps,you will find that new life somewhere.At least it will be different!! Do it!For a 'complete' person, it's possible to change his/her life completely within 30%26quot; sec. even.Here is some insight from my experience. I took the time to write this because I feel for you in your situation, and understand what you are going through. I hope I can be of some assistance.
The most important thing to do is to realize and acknowledge your problems, and truly WANT to change them. You can't just tell yourself you want to do something. You have to really want it, and be prepared to do anything for it. Tell yourself that you can change, and you WILL. That is essential.
Once you are at that point, you need to go through all of your problems, and try to think of a basic solution for each of them. In this situation, many people do this: they realize they have a problem, they want to fix it, but they don't actually give themselves enough time to actually think it through thoroughly. This is the next essential step. Go through each problem, and think of potential solutions for them. If you do this, it's actually not as hard as you realized to think up solutions.
After you have done that, the next thing to do is to TAKE ACTION. I can't stress this enough. There are too many people who are thinking in the right way, but don't actually put their thoughts into action! At one point you need to tell yourself to JUST DO IT. No one is going to do it for you. You have to depend on yourself to make this change. Support from friends and family is always helpful, but in the end, it all depends on you. So based on the possible solutions you have thought of, take action and see what happens!! Maybe you get the desired result, maybe you don't. But even if you don't, this is your chance to learn from your mistake! QUOTEEEEE. Think of better solutions, or an improved solution, and ACT on it.
It's good to set goals for yourself in this process. Just make sure they aren't unrealistic. Don't try and force yourself to change in 30 days, just give as much time as you need to do it. It might be possible in 30 days, it might take months.
I know this advice may seem very basic, but you see too many people who cannot get past simple things like these. As for some advice regarding your situation specifically, my friend you are only 23! You are younger than you think. Just because many other people around you already have a job at 23, doesn't mean you are failure if you don't have one. Everyone is different. You still have time! So much time.
It's also important to accept that some change does not happen overnight. Rome was not built in one day. It happens step by step. Be patient and your desired results will come over time.
Whenever I see an appealing quote, I write it down in my phone so I can look at the list every day for inspiration. Here are some quotes that might give more insight (apologize for not having the source):
%26quot;The reason most people never reach their goals is that they don't define them, or even seriously consider them as believable or achievable. Winners can tell you where they are going, what they plan to do along the way, and who will be sharing the adventure with them.%26quot;
%26quot;Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action.%26quot;
%26quot;Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions.%26quot; -Einstein
%26quot;Whatever the mind of man can conceive, it can achieve.%26quot; -W. Clement Stone
%26quot;What you resist persists.%26quot; -Carl Jung
%26quot;All power is from within and is therefore under our own control.%26quot; Robert Collier
%26quot;Whether you think you can or you can't, either way you are right.%26quot; -Henry Ford
Good luck, and don't give up if you truly want to change! Most importantly, enjoy life!There are certain parts of your life that can be changed in a moment and I mean changed forever. When I was a young, cocky A*S doing a great deal of crazy stuff, well the law finally caught up with me, my fake friends disappeared as did the %26quot;Big money%26quot;, I walked into court for sentencing with my father, he didn't abandon me. I heard my sentence read and somehow couldn't believe that I was really that %26quot;Bad%26quot; person which the judge referred to. I was escorted to a little room with a cell. That door slammed shut with a clang, bang. At that precise moment I made a decision to change my life and never, never be in that situation ever again. It was hard, prison life and my reputation followed me, funny how that happens. But I kept my eye on the price to borrow from the late Dr. King. As my time went on and I began to become at ease with myself and those around me began to realize that I had made a change it was simply a matter of keeping my mind busy and waiting for the day that I would walk out and put my new found self to the test of the real world. It was even harder on the outside because of jobs, holding jobs, finally used my GI bill to return to college where the openness of the environment allowed me to grow and prosper in my plan. I have stuck with ever since, that journey began in 1972, never been back in a jail or prison since and have spent my life helping others make better decisions not by telling them what to do but by giving them options and hope they to are ready to make that change. Was going to ask President Bush for a pardon but that was already done spiritually in 1972..I don't know if it's possible, but what a challenge! And not if your 50 or older.