Have you seen Al Gore's movie?
-Exactly which movie are we talking about?
-Yes, of course, how could you miss it
-Seen it several times
-No, but I intend to
Did Al Gore's film change your attitude to the issue of climate change?
-Yes, before seeing it I was aware of the problem but didn't think it was very weighty
-Yes, the film caused a deep change in my attitude and taught me a lot
-No, I was well aware of the issue before the movie
-No, the movie didn't change anything for me
Are you sorry that Al Gore lost to Bush in the 2000 elections?
-Of course, isn't everyone?
-Yes, I supported him at the time
-No, I don't think he'd make a better president than Bush
-No, I don't care much who the president of the U.S.A is
Would you like to see Gore run for president in 2008?
-Nothing would please me more
-I think he'd make a better candidate than the other Democrat candidates
-No, his defeat in 2000 was quite enough
-No, I wouldn't vote for him in any caseQuiz about Al Gore (choose one)?Exactly which movie are we talking about?
-No, the movie didn't change anything for me
-No, I don't think he'd make a better president than Bush
-Nothing would please me more
Yes, I now find him insufferableQuiz about Al Gore (choose one)?That would be NO to all questions. Al Gore is a scam artist and it looks like some have bought into his for carbon offsetting, which would make old Al even richer. He's up there with Michael Moore and Joseph Goebbels. You do know that he's being sued by the founder of the Weather Channel for lying to the American public?Quiz about Al Gore (choose one)?Al Gore couldn't change my mind about anything, His movie was so full of lies it could only have come from a politician. Every one of the points he mentioned has been refuted by COMPETENT scientists. I am DELIRIOUS with joy that Gore lost to Mr. Bush. I would love to see AL Gore run for president again just so I can vote against him again.Global warming is a hoax. Climate change is real, and greenhouse gases play a part, but humanity's role is greatly exaggerated. People pretend Al Gore is an independent source, but he is just grinding the same liberal ax. As a result of this I do not at all find him an honest person or capable of leading.
I actually am starting to think the entire thing i just - to paraphrase Hillary - %26quot;a vast left-wing conspiracy%26quot;. Do %26quot;carbon credits%26quot; at all remind anybody of medieval indulgences, which was buying less time in purgatory from the church?Al Gore is a grandstander who stumbled onto a bogus cause to get recognition.