-Have you ever known anyone who committed suicide?
-Did they have a good social life?
-How did it affect their families?
-How did it affect you?
-Has it changed your attitude towards suicide/euthanasia?
-Do you think that they are better off dead?(think existence vs. nonexistence (a dreamless sleep))
-Where they people who weren%26#039;t likely to date?
-Where they shy around the opposite sex?
-Where they, in objective opinion, not sexually attractive?
-If so what features/characteristics made them unattractive?
I think there is a direct correlation between suicidiality and the progeny of ones genes meaning, the less likely someone is to pass on thier genes (ex. sexually unnattractive people) the more easier it is for them to commit suicide. Think if this may apply to the person you are mentioning. I think a study of this may occur in the future. Thanks!Have You Ever Known Anyone Who Has COMMITTED SUICIDE?Dude, it%26#039;s not worth it to kill yourself over your height. Most Hollywood male celebs are shorties. You are 5%26#039;6%26quot; which is considered tall. Tom Cruise, Van Dame, and a bunch of others are shorter than you. They all have social life, family, money , and so forth.
I know a 2 friends of mine who commiteed suicide. One was a girl whose controlling Mom drove her insane, and another was over a broken relationship. No body is better off dead. Both of them survived . Both girls are beautiful. One is a fashion model. Both told me it was a stupid thing to do for a temporary %26quot;perceived%26quot; problem. Both of them changed their lives when they got into helping others. They both now donate their times at the homeless shelter, and animal adoption. They realized their problems are so minute compared to others the more they reach out and help less fortunate people and animal. Trying this out before making any drastic move would make more sense. God bless. Always reach out.
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http://www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org鈥?/a>Have You Ever Known Anyone Who Has COMMITTED SUICIDE?a horrible disease is a reason.....................the death of all your loved ones in a war....................is a reason.....
short...your not that short........hell a lot of girls like short guys...........
it hurts those you leave behind................people in Dafur and about 100 million other people would give a leg to be you..........
go see a doc and get fixed up..life is not that bad...........Have You Ever Known Anyone Who Has COMMITTED SUICIDE?Not a very good subject. I knew my daughter%26#039;s friends mother to speak to on phone, one day she vanished and was found dead after overdosing deliberately. she was unwell in her mind or she would not have thought the money she left the kids would ever compensate. One girl was 16 and one was younger. Those girls went through hell and it left lasting emotional problems. Despite that they have grown into fine human beings, but oh how I try to make excuses for their mother when it seems to me she did a very unkind and cruelly selfish thing to those kids. She may be better off but her kids weren%26#039;t. She seemed to have no real reason except her illness.
Your last sentences is total nonsense I am afraid, I suggest you visit the library and read about the subject properly.5%26#039;6%26quot;? Whats your problem? You%26#039;re fine... there are plenty of short girls... I%26#039;m 5%26#039;2%26quot; and I%26#039;ve date plenty of guys your height. My friend (who%26#039;s male) is only like 4%26#039;11%26quot; or MAYBE 5 feet and he%26#039;s fine... nothing to kill yourself over. You should see a counselor so they can teach you how to love yourself. Good luck and God bless... please don%26#039;t hurt yourself over something like that!What ? OK Marc, now for some tough love, you need to stop being selfish ! you appear to only be thinking of yourself, what about the people in your life, what will your decision do to them ! I%26#039;m really hoping your not serious because being 5%26#039;6%26quot; is not a reason to want to end your life. how old are you ? I mean men still grow up till age 23 at least, and the doctor told my son that from a teen to around 23 you will gain about 3 more inches. plus being tall is not the only way to find love, OK look at it like this, the majority of all women on earth are shorter than you ! so you have alot to chose from ! just date short woman, look stop being so shallow, and accept what God gave you and be thankful, I know blind, and deaf people who are not complaining about their situation, so I dont think you need to complain about yours either !If you are this concerned with how your family will feel if you commit suicide then chances are you aren%26#039;t really going to do it and you%26#039;re just looking for attention and sympathy. Go get some help to up your self esteem and once you get over it you%26#039;ll be able to meet someone and fall in love. By the way I%26#039;m a 24year old who is not even 5 feet! You can%26#039;t change they way you look so you just need to accept yourself for who you are. Love it or hate it...its the way God made you and he knows best.I had a friend in high school who killed himself. It was horrible for everyone. His mother became deeply depressed and, last I heard, was still in therapy (this happened ten years ago). His little sister was 3 at the time and will grow up never knowing what a wonderful person her big brother was. His younger brother was the one who found him hanging from a necktie in his closet - that can%26#039;t be good for a ten year old. And yes, he was dateable - I did briefly date him my junior year. It affected the rest of us, too. After ten years, it%26#039;s rare that a day goes by when I don%26#039;t wonder if there was anything I could have done to prevent it.
Don%26#039;t do it - it%26#039;s not worth it to you, or the people who care about you.a friend committed suicide he was married had 2 kids fairly good looking .. but had bi polar.. he had an abusive child hood.. he was alwways a laugh...
killing yourself over height ... shallow ?? girlss lower thier standards everyday for guys..no particular reason,
makes suicidal rational,
there are less fortunate individuals,
yet, never had that in mind,
count ur blessings,
definitely u%26#039;ll realize
that life is worthy living afterall...
- yes i%26#039;ve known someone
- yes eventually after having commited suicide,
still they had good social lives
- it affects their family badly, coz of the fact that they had
almost lost him
- i was horrified, bacause i almost lost him
- not at all, i have this strong faith, that our life is not
a choice, we are responsible to live our life to the fullest
- never-ever, coz he is important, his existence matters
- yes there some who weren%26#039;t likely to date
- not really shy, but maybe other does
- we can be sexually attractive in our own way i guess,
no basis at all
- i%26#039;m not particular with what make the person a less person,
i hate the idea of finding their shortcomings coz dont wanna
be treated that way in return.
u had a great ideas on the issue,
it%26#039;s just that considering suicide
shouln%26#039;t be ur choice.
life is worthy living for...
u are special in ur own way,
5%26#039;6%26quot; wasn%26#039;t bad really.
it doesn%26#039;t make u a less person...
value life, there are lots of them
who struggles to live...
you are more blessed.
do not reject the FACT....5%26#039;6%26quot; is a desirable size for lots of women. i hate dating men that are so tall i can%26#039;t put my head on their shoulders.
- yes, my best friend killed herself. it has devastated me. i miss her everyday.
- she was in her 40%26#039;s, your social life generally wanes as you get older. not a factor for her.
- no, she%26#039;s missing alot. she had a physical problem and less than a year after she killed herself, they found out what caused it and how to treat it. it was very rare.
- she liked to get banged.
- she wasn%26#039;t shy
- she was drop dead gorgeous and considered the coolest of the cool back in her day.
many moons ago, a girlfriends brother killed himself. it destroyed the entire family. they are all completely messed up. the sister that found him is a mess. he was one of the most popular guys at school. i don%26#039;t know about his dating life.
i have a friend whose teenaged son killed himself. they are very, OVERLY religious and even said at his funeral that he was going to the %26quot;outer world%26quot; or something like that. it was weird. sick.
knew of a guy who almost did himself in and said that god told him if he didn%26#039;t get up and call 911 he would spend eternity in the place he was. he described it as the worst hell he%26#039;d ever been in. not fire and brimstone or anything like that. just floating in an abyss feeling eternal damnation. he couldn%26#039;t really put it into words, but it was bad enough that he got up and called 911. he was on a respirator for 3 days and technically should have died, but i guess he had the cr@p scared out of him and willed himself alive, i don%26#039;t know. he was always feeling suicidal,he%26#039;s never thought that way again. his recovery was loooong and painful because of what he did to his body. he%26#039;s ok now.
one of the most intelligent, powerful men i know is 5%26#039;1%26quot;. he is an attorney and well-respected. he went through alot. he just grew from the pain. tall people have pain. everyone has something. your size is not the issue. somehow it%26#039;s become the identified %26quot;problem%26quot;. there are millions of guys ur size that have done quite well. not everyone is going to like you. not everyone likes the most beautiful women/men. it%26#039;s your attitude. find a counselor and they will help you. until then read some books.
sexual attractiveness is an attitude. fake it til you make it. if you have to move to start over, then move.I am really concerned that you would use your height to validate your choice to take your own life.
I will answer your questions in order and make further comment at the end.
-Yes, my brother in law, among others
-yes, all of them
-My brother in laws family were devastated. He was one of two sons (I was married to the other). They blamed themselves for not raising him right, noticing he was unhappy, etc. His wife lost the baby she was carrying. His two children (12 %26amp;9) thought they weren%26#039;t good enough and thought that was one of the reasons. The ongoing emotional issues are still being worked out 12 years later.
-I was heartbroken when bil took his life, he and I were very good friends. Of course I felt guilty he hadn%26#039;t confided in me and I hadn%26#039;t noticed anything unusual in his behaviour in the weeks before.
-I used to consider it an individual%26#039;s choice. Now I think it is incredibly selfish unless someone is suffering a severe mental illness and not in total control of themselves (no concept of action/reaction). Having said that, if someone has a terminal illness and are in the final stages, euthanasia may be an alternative in some situations where a long, painful death is the only other option.
-All the people I know who have suicided were attached or had been.
-Not necessarily, actually most were very outgoing types of people.
-Sexual attraction is relative, there are too many variables.
-None of them had any outstanding %26#039;unattractive%26#039; physical characteristics, only one was incredibly attractive according to the standards presented to us by the media.
I disagree with your closing comments. It is an indictment on the society in which we live and the culture we allow to perpetuate that someone thinks they need to kill themselves because they are too short/tall/fat/pimply/dark/pale/old, etc. How shallow we have become.
The ones who will make a difference are not the ones who kill themselves, all they will do is cause grief to their families and ongoing heartache. The ones who will make the difference are the ones who continue to succeed because they ignore society%26#039;s idea of what they should look/sound/act like, and are just themselves. Nothing is more attractive than a natural person.it is the most selfish thing anyone can do and leaves families devastated
my sisters husband did it.
but by the length of your question and all the questions in it, you have no intention of doing it, you%26#039;re only on here for a laugh, and the people giving you all this advice are the ones being taken in by you
now go and do something constructive