Saturday, 24 September 2011

How did you feel about your pubic hair before you started to "sprout"?

Did you know you were going to have pubic hair before yours started to grow? Did you look forward to it? How did you feel about it when it started to come in? Did your attitude change at all? Were you an early bloomer? Or late? Did you have older siblings to serve as examples of what to expect?

When I learned from a book on sex when I was 12 that I was going to have pubic hair eventually, I was determined to shave it off! But by the time it started to grow, I was in junior high and showering with other boys who were starting to sprout, so then I didn't mind having it. Now I regard it as a well-earned badge of manhood.

What was your experience?How did you feel about your pubic hair before you started to %26quot;sprout%26quot;?Yes, I knew because we watched a puberty video in school. I didn't really regard it as very important, but I didn't want to shave it off either. When the first few hairs started to grow, I was actually excited since I was becoming a man, so I got a bit more happier and was determined not to shave it off. I got so possessive that I even shampooed my pubic hair so they wouldn't fall out!

My hair started to grow at the age of 13, and I'm 14 now. My pubic hair has grown a lot, and its covering a lot of my pubic area. I didn't have anyone to look toward to except my father. When I was 13 I showed him my hair and I asked him how much I would grow, and he said tons of it would grow. He told me that he shaved down there and said I should too. I don't know why but I agreed and we shaved my pubic hair off. I hated it because I felt like a bare baby and it itched a lot. When it grew back I was so happy and relieved, and just like you I regard it as a sign of masculinity and I'm never gonna shave it off!
How did you feel about your pubic hair before you started to %26quot;sprout%26quot;?
Hahaha I love the questions on here.
How did you feel about your pubic hair before you started to %26quot;sprout%26quot;?
i always shave mine. i find that its more clean looking. but when i first got it i was the first out of all my friends and that made me feel good. i never shaved it until my gf made me. but i started to %26quot;sprout%26quot; in like 4th grade... i was an early bloomer and i am now 6ft 4in.
I would say that before I had it I didn't even think about having pubes. When I was in school they did not teach us anything like they do now. Sex was or anything to do with it was absolutely taboo. I did have older siblings but somehow we never saw each other in any stage of nudity. I was an earlier bloomer compared to many of my friends as I was already shaving { my face }as a freshmen in high school. So needless to say I had more than my share of pubes as a young teen. When I see how things are taught today I feel like I was really cheated on growing up where everything was taboo. I guess it was after I got out of high school that I decided that the pubes had to go that I just didn't like them. I was concerned about what others would say for the longest time but then I thought who is going to know that I shaved my pubes. I am not a member of a nudist camp however I would not mind it. I don't need pubic hair to know that I am a man and it is a shame if that is how we are judged.
When I grew up, it was quite normal for guys to strip in front of each other in the pool lockerrooms and also in the lockers at gym class. So of course I saw many guys growing up that were fully pubed out, and it was normal to me when I got hair since all the adult males I had seen had pubes and more. Seems like in the past few years with less public school requirements for phys ed, and kids showering in boxer shorts boys don't see what other boys and men look like anymore.