Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Why do you love God so much? What has God done for you personally?

Why is God so very special to you? How has God changed your life, your circumstances and your attitude? Why did God give you a purpose and a plan for your life?Why do you love God so much? What has God done for you personally?I always wanted to know the WHY'S of everything.

I went to several churches but I didn't get any answers from them.

then someone started a bible study and I got all the answers that I was looking for.
Why do you love God so much? What has God done for you personally?
He didn't :(
Why do you love God so much? What has God done for you personally?
Chicken breasts were on sale for .99/pound last week. I'm pretty sure that was god. What's not to love about cheap chicken?
God gave me the ability to use the FORCE.

Seriously, God gave me a very high IQ to realize creationism is utter drivel. Evolution is a fact.
1 John 4:19

(19) We love him, because he first loved us.
I love Him cause He loved me first

The Lord sent His only begotten Son to die for my sins

He is special cause we have been through many hurdles %26amp; we jumped together..........He never left me alone

Yes, The Lord has given me Hope
because god is love
For one, He's my creator, so of course I have love and respect for Him. He woke me up this morning and gave me the ability to get to know Him. It's a scary thing not to have a relationship with God, so when God revealed Himself to me, I felt truly honored. I was like WOW, He really does care for ALL of us. Plus there were situations that I said %26quot;THERE IS NOOOOO WAY I'M GETTING OUT OF THIS,%26quot; and God sure did help me. If you are asking this question to see if He is real, then I can surely tell you YES, he definitely is. God bless.
I didn't know what %26quot;real%26quot; love was until I knew God. I know it sounds cheesy and dumb but it is so true.

My father was physically and emotionally abusive to me and my siblings as well as my mom. In all reality, I do not think I would be alive right now if it were not for Gods goodness.

I have never been so happy and joyful and peaceful as I am right now. I know have a wonderful family, wonderful friends, I am in college getting my degree and God is soooo good.

I can't say it enough. God is good :)

God Bless and enjoy your easter!
God has done everything and more for me. God knows whats best so i put my life in His hands. He has and never will fail me. God has blessed me beyond measure and i don't even deserve any of it. i love God because He loved me first.
God is my Father and I'm His daughter. God had the plan for my life since before I was even born and God's plan will be perfect and I don't want it any other way. God has changed me for the better in many different ways and I will always love God.
Life is a great gift from God.

God had created the world, universe.. for us.

he he he....
God is always with, when I am at my most unloveable, He still loves me. When I was in my deepest darkest depression He was there holding me. When I turn away from Him in sin, he is there waiting for me to return to Him. He never stops loving me.

My purpose in life is to know, love and serve Him in this world.

He has prepared a place for me, not because I earned it but because He loves me so much he suffered and died so that I may live.

Happy Easter!!
He is special to me because he stopped me from wanting to commit suicide and he showed me the truth. God has shown me that I shouldn't live my life hating myself because I'm different. I'm gay, he made me that way, he wants me to be that way and he loves me for that.

God has given me the greatest gifts ever including a wonderful boyfriend.

He gave me a wonderful life with wonderful opertunities.

And for that I'm greatful.

God is not only special to me but very special because of what He had been doing to my life and the life of my whole household. He led me to know His Son Jesus personally last Sept. 1976. After that he gave me and my husband rigid training in His ministry. He told me to write books for Him which I would like to publish very soon. He revealed to me His wonderful plan for the future of His people in the next thirty years. And all of these will be shared to all in these generations. God will do future things according to His blessed will.
Hi Change.. God is REAL to me. When I get depressed or down abit like I think most people get, He lifts me up. He Blesses me and keeps me safe and gives me determination to keep living. He has given me the gift of the Holy Spirit.The Holy Spirit gives me TRUTH in why we are here and where we are going after we die and how wonderful the Kingdom will be.. God gives me Hope, all of my needs He provides,food, shelter,A Godly Husband and Godly Children who will be in Heaven with me.

God let His Son die for me and if there were only one person on this earth to die for God still would of given His Son. God truly Loves us and He Reaches out to us to LOVE every day. There is nothing better here than to have the ability to give to others what He gives to us. He is continually in my thoughts so I never feel alone. He gives me Peace......Love inChrist missleslie
Because he gave me a gift before i new who he was and he saved me when i thought no one could.
Whats up girl?

He stood me up again.


Um hmmm.

Well whats up with this guy? do you really like him that much?

Yes, honey, I love him. he is fine, he does a lot of nice things for me.

I know he used to do nice stuff for you, but what has he done for you lately?

Used to be a time when you would pamper me

Used to brag about it all the time

Your friends seem to think that youre so peachy keen

But my friends say neglect is on your mind...

Whos right?


What have you done for me lately

Ooh ooh ooh yeah

What have you done for me lately

Ooh ooh ooh yeah

Used to go to dinner almost every night

Danced until I thought Id lose my breath

Now it seems your dancin feet are always on my couch

Good thing I cook or else wed starve to death...

Aint that a shame?

I never ask for more than I deserve

You know its the truth

You seem to think youre gods gift to this earth

Im tellin you... no way.

You ought to be thankful for the little things

But little things are all you seem to give

Youre always puttin off what we could do today

Soap opera

says youve got one life to live

Whos right whos wrong?