[The virus in my computer has been cleared!]
Well. I wake up at 5AM, to get ready for school [Shower, Clothes, The Whole Shebang-a-banga] and recorded a show on VH1classics. The Show was called 'Classic Albums', and this episode took a look at The Sex Pistol's studio Album %26quot;Never Mind the Bollocks%26quot;
The show is about an hour long; I only watched about 36 minutes of it, but I saw how it was with Malcom, Paul and Johnny.
I saw their apathetic attitude, and how they said %26quot;We say and do what we want%26quot;
I blew it off and went to school.
In 2nd period [Block schedule], I got sent out of class by saying two F-bombs, and basicly didn't care.
odd enough, i thought.
can music change your attitude?
BQ: Song you are addicted to right now?
BQ2: Favorite Punk band?
BQ3: Favorite Sex Pistol Member?I'm back everybody! And, I've got a really thought provoking question to ask Rock%26amp;Pop?somewhat...i mean a song isn't going to like brainwash you into doing something...well actually maybe..we do have backwards messaging. but anywho..maybe it was just one of those days..where you just don't care..i have those at times..not even like the whole day but that period..i've never been one to talk loudly..at school...i'm the quiet one..but i have those days where i'll tell everyone to f*ck off....music can change the way you think though...i mean i'm a motley crue fan so i'll use them...Dr.Feelgood will forever be a drug dealer...i heard another song that says dr.feelgood..or something like that..and it talked about love..but i sat there and thinking off how cool Nikki's glasses were in that video...Cherry Pie will forever be Bobby Brown..it's just that..we all have those songs that change us someway somehow
BQ:i got a few Best Of The Worst by Charm City Devils, Drowning In A Daydream by Corrosion of Conformity, Mr.Brownstone by Guns N Roses, and Yer So Bad by Tom Petty.
BQ2:probably the Sex Pistols...Rise Against aren't bad either
BQ3:probably Sid..i mean come on..he didn't play well but he had such attitude..and all it's crazy...he really went out with a bang..I'm back everybody! And, I've got a really thought provoking question to ask Rock%26amp;Pop?I used to be more agressive but now I'm usually in my mellow state
Peace Frogs-The Doors
The Ramones
Sid ViciousI'm back everybody! And, I've got a really thought provoking question to ask Rock%26amp;Pop?That's what punk does, it fires you up and make you rebel against society...and that did not fare well for you haha. I actually thought that the Sex Pistols' classic album episode was fairly interesting, though, it was cool seeing how they didn't even know how to play their instruments and rose to popularity.
BQ: Brace Legs by Born of Osiris, I swear I have listened to it a million times in the past week.
BQ2: Minor Threat, such an amazing hardcore punk act
BQ3: Steve, I mean he came up with the catchy riffs and recorded the bass too on NMTB!Hmm there IS a possibility. Perhaps you were just acting in the spirit of the show, felt inspired and whatnot. Perhaps you were just aggitated and cursing was the only way to temporarily relieve some stress. :-D
BQ: Man Must Dance-Johnossi
BQ2: Clash and Ramones
BQ3: Why must I choose...?Whenever I hear songs about the universe...or things bigger than mankind...I get in a very thoughtful mood.
BQ: Cynic - Integral Birth
A Million Deaths!Yeah, I think it can. And other people's attitudes can also influence and change yours. ...depending on the kind of person you are :-)
BA: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dgQHZjAaf鈥?/a>It just happened to me. I've had this song stuck in my head all day
That riff in the middle of the slow part hits pretty hard. At the moment that part was playin in my head, someone approached me with a question.
%26quot;Hey Craig%26quot;
I wasn't mad or startled, but that part of the song usually makes me want to break something.
BA: Metal Church=Beyond the Black
BA2: Cryptic Slaughter
BA3: Johnnysulfur-slipknot
green day
johnny rottenI hate people that blame attitude changes on music. I listen to stuff like Eminem, Marilyn Manson, Guns N' Roses, etc, and I don't run around cursing people out and throwing beer bottles. You can get riled up but still maintain a sense of decorum.
current song obsession - Marilyn Manson ~ Lunchbox
favorite punk band - the Germs
favorite Sex Pistol - Sid Vicious