Saturday, 24 September 2011

Is haveing Children really THAT bad???

Ok, so I posted a question on here a few days ago asking :

What do you think causes people to be so negative and angry??

Don't they realize how bad this effects their lives???

I got a few answers from women saying that it was thier children who made them this way! I'll copy one of the answer on here:

%26quot;If you EVER have teenagers, you will be, at times, a person that you would have NEVER thought you become or recognize.

I am very aware of the unwarranted stress my teenagers, have made in my life. My solutions 1) when they turn eighteen, they are OUT, 2) I am moving out of the country to less accessible, 3) and I'm filing a restraining order.%26quot;

So do you think that it's the parents fault for having %26quot;bad children%26quot; or the childs fault? I'm not just asking about teenagers but Children in general?

My personal thoughts are that YOU are the only one who changes your attitude, nobody else does it to you! And kids are kids, they need to be taught and if you don't teach them, then expectIs haveing Children really THAT bad???kids learn what they are taught, see, hear and say....and it is up to the parent to show their kids right from wrong and make sure they are well ballanced kids. When a parent lets thier kids walk all over them and the kids are telling the parents what's going to go on, they have now turned into the kids....everyone is so quick to blame everything else but the one's not tv, it's parent letting them watch's not the music,it's the parents letting them listen to it. when parents don't put their foot down, it leaves the door wide open for the kids to plow through. Kids need to hear you say NO, they need to know right from wrong, and they need to know their parents mean buisness when they talk. and stop blaming everything else but yourself
Is haveing Children really THAT bad???
I DO believe it is the parents fault....Growing up, I had a mother and a father who disiplined me and my siblings...We didn't get beat, we got the occasional butt whooping...We got rewarded when we did good and repremanded when we did bad.. None of us have ever been in trouble with the law, we respect our elders...Its all in how you raise a child...I intend on raising my daugther the same way....
Is haveing Children really THAT bad???
It's really unfortunate that parents would blame their own children for making them that way. I know some people who joke about it, but overall, they don't mean it, b/c I do know their kids and they're not at all bad.

A parent's job is to instill good values and morals into their children's lives. If the child is %26quot;bad%26quot;, then part of it is due to some problem with the parenting.

My son is turning 9, my daughter will soon be 6. We do face challenges with both of them, naturally. I'm not going to blame my children for any of the difficulties that my husband and I face. We're more mature than that.

It's a shame that there are parents who say that having children is really THAT bad. I feel for them, for they are losing out on so much.
Very few people have it easy when raising kids. People who haven't raised a child to age 20 can't honestly answer this question because things change. I raised 2 sons. One is extremely successful %26amp; the best son anyone could ever ask for. My other son became a drug addict in his teens. He was an intelligent, decent, compassion %26amp; adorable young man. Did I raise them differently? No Did something happen to one %26amp; not the other maybe we can't really scienfically figure out the details but no big thing happened that I know of. I love both my sons. The one died in 1999. I have heard ignorant people blame parents when kids are drug addicts. If you go to a NarAnon meeting you see every kind of person in that room which shows that this is a spiritual path. It brought us together, it has taught me to never judge. It is giving me this honest answer for you....As far as having little kids. Well, if you are single %26amp; free you can not imagine how different your life will be. If you jump in the car to go somewhere or just take a nap when you like, imagine you have an 8 year old %26amp; a 7 year old in the house. How can you go take a nap when they are outside on their bikes. It really is hard so listen to alot of people without judgement. It's easier for people to lie about this then to be accused of all the things they will be acused of by being truthful. It appears that some people raise really great children. I have heard so much about how people love Chelsea Clinton, well she is an only child which is much easier, her parents are extremely intelligent %26amp; have tons of money so they have some advantages. There are kids that are pure sweethearts yet growing up with every obstacle possible. So I don't think we can honestly blame or credit parents for much.
Having children are not that bad. Some children end up bad because they witness anger in the home alot and the think that being bad is a natural process of growing up I have 4 children of my own and yes they were bad but not to the extent that i wanted to keep them away from me i love my children with all my heart and if you think that your children will grow up bad then they will just love them with all your heatr and never think that they will grow up bad.LOVE THEM AND LET THEM KNOW THAT THEY ARE LOVED
i only have a toddler....but i used to get really annoyed by i am patient and loving and understanding...i guess it just depends. sometimes he pisses me off...yea...but would i trade him...NEVER!! and he probably will make me even more mad as he grows up but with love and sure ill be fine....if you have that special bond.
I think that people need to adapt themselves to the situation.

I never ever wanted kids, cant even look after myself.

Im 8 months pregnant and really looking forward to my baby girl.

I'm aware that it wont be all roses and light, but it wont all be hell on earth.

chances are if a parent gives you that kind of response to their children,its some level of sarcasm,

My mum waited 27 years to get rid of me,and now i cant get her off the phone!!

your kids are your kids and that bond and love between you is unconditional.

I also belive how you bring up your kids is your choice, always listen to advice from other people (welcome or not!!) you dont have to act on that advice, but you might just come across something you later rely on!!