Right now, my idea to generate traffic is make a simple site where users would take a picture of them smiling on the homepage using a webcam. There would be facts about smiles and how it can instantly change your attitude etc. Then users can rank others smiles and the top smiles would appear on the homepage. I would call it smilesforchange.
I have many years of experience developing web applications. If done right, could this work? If not, what could be a better idea along these lines: A simple website/web application where users help make the world a better place with little effort. The main goal is to get the most traffic possible to generate revenue from ads.Can you give me advice/feedback on this concept?The only thing I see wrong with this WONDERFUL concept is the potential for it to be abused. Without the proper moderation, it's quite possible that someone could log onto smilesforchange.com to find pictures of d*cks staring them in the face. I assume there will be some sort of filtering system...
I also feel like there wouldn't be too many repeat visitors. I would definitely go to that website, but again and again? Smiles are smiles...that might be a good component to incorporate into a larger feel-good website.
Also, when people see something called %26quot;for change%26quot;, they expect it to do more than make internet users happy. Would some ad revenue go to, say, third-world country dentistry? Maybe you make a donation along with your smile, highest donation gets top billing on the page?
Again, this is a great concept, but the potential for misuse, the fact that the site's really a one-trick pony, and the charity concept are all issues that need to be addressed. As I said, this may have more potential as one component of a general feel-good site.Can you give me advice/feedback on this concept?Yes, GREAT idea %26amp;or how about SHORT recordings (say 5secs, MAX 10) of laughing? Do you know it actually makes people happier %26amp; can change a persons mood in seconds %26amp; therefore maybe LOTS of re-visits? It also extends Life. Another reason to re-visit often!?
HaHaHaHaHeHeHeHeHoHoHoHo LOL :o)
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Can you give me advice/feedback on this concept?It is a wonderful idea. Good luck.smile websiteu limit users to those who have nice smiles (a smile contest?) alotta ugly smiles online, lol
ponder why would a user would search or stumble upon your site %26amp; why would they'd regularly visit
opinion: this may not grow big, but generate some interest if supplies HIGH benefits to visitors
Smilesforchange Mobile App is a better idea
use your web app skills and get on Android, iPhone, or Blackberry
target market, find high-traffic areas that will use this (from toothpaste trade shows to local dentist office)
if you're a non-profit, this helps you get free monies to grow large
if you're a business, you must market/promote/advertise effectively %26amp; mobile apps may sale for $1 but to over a few thousand people.
I am a marketing company, now engaging in future trends from social media marketing to geo-location to augmented reality ideas. I have experience in graphic design and study business marketing frequently. If you ever need some advice on targetting, making your brand viral on social networks, or ways to get high traffic for cheap by being smart %26amp; effective... just email at elucidmarketing@yahoo.com I like motivated people %26amp; especially ideas to help the world be a better place. Take care!Great concept, but there definitely needs to be a person who moderates the pictures being taken in order to filter out the pervs. Also I do see this type of site generating visitors, but in order to keep them coming back you want to add something else to it in order to keep them coming back. For instance you could make it into a sort or social website where people can post comments and questions on the photos. If a comment is made on someone鈥檚 photo then an automatic email is sent telling them about the comment and a link to take them back to the website. Just like how Facebook notifies people by email.
Also if you want to generate large amounts of traffic then just putting up the website is not going to be enough. You definitely need to work on some SEO and link building techniques in order to generate traffic from referral sites and search engines. http://www.wizardofthewebsites.com/Attracting_Visitors.html has some basic ideas to get your started if you don't already know.
Great Idea and good luck with it!