Here is one of our chats:
5:18 PM
me: Hey Hey!
5:19 PM
Lacey: hi this is the worst day of my lifw how was your day today!?
me: why is it the worst day of ur life?
5:20 PM
Lacey: many many reasons
every single thing that could go wrong has
parental grounding from phone
me: hold a sec. please
Lacey: life
5:23 PM
Lacey: not even u want to talk to me!
ug i am such a loser
im gonna go cry now bye
5:24 PM
me: i do want to talk to you my battery was dying
fine be that way
i%26#039;ll talk to you 2morrow
She%26#039;s been doing chats like this a lot lately and when she needs to go do something I wait and don%26#039;t say a word until she gets back and she takes 10 minutes to do something. She sent me this e-mail after I said %26quot;I%26#039;ll see you tomorrow.%26quot;
i am so not in the mood to deal with you right now madi i dont mean that in an offensive way but if i talk to anybody im sure i%26#039;ll just get them mad at me to. what is the point in living?
and this is the email I sent her in response
Gosh Lacey,
Please cut out the whole %26quot;What%26#039;s the point in living?%26quot; crap. I know you%26#039;re going through a tough time right now but it isn%26#039;t okay keep up the %26quot;I have a sorry excuse for a life%26quot; thing. It makes you sound suicidal and I know (hope) you%26#039;re not. I%26#039;ve kept my mouth shut up until now because I value our friendship but I%26#039;m kinda sick of the mind games you%26#039;re playing with me wanting me to feel sorry for you. I don%26#039;t want to become enemies or anything of the sort, but you%26#039;re starting to take us down that path if you don%26#039;t change the %26#039;tude. Sorry for the tough love but it%26#039;s time for it. So change your attitude. This may sound harsh but I went through this phase and needed a serious wake up call. I will always love you like my sister. I hope you still want me at your party(s) and will take my word seriously.
Love Always,
She does crap like this all the time and like I said in my email I bite my tongue and don%26#039;t say a word but this was the last straw. I can%26#039;t take her crap anymore.
I hope I didn%26#039;t sound too harsh. HELP ME!?!?My Friend is being really annoying and freaking out on me?Your friend could very well be suicidal. There may really be no reason in the eyes of others but the person who is going through something sees things totally different. She sounds like a wounded animal who doesnt know what to do with herself other than lash out at those close to her. The fact she calls herself down and even mentions suicide are huge red flags and should be taken seriously. Whatever you do, dont be sending her anymore threat letters about perhaps becoming enemies... if she does something to herself after you decide to end the friendship, how are you going to feel then? You need to talk to someone about this... not show her parent emails and such but talk to a professional.. maybe your school counselor.... and talk to Lacey.... tell her you want to be serious about this and that your worried. She might try to brush you off but be persistent... tell her your there for her and if she needs to see someone you will go with her. You are both young... and may not realize that suicidal thoughts are really common in young people.... hormones are changing... your trying to break free from parental control... life sometimes feels hopeless..... it can be a rough go for some. Try not to treat her like she is just some crappy biatchy friend..... she might be mentally drained and desperate..... not everyone is strong when it comes to these things.
Sorry your going through this... when you young its a time to have fun and enjoy not having adult responsibility.....
good luck with this and please do not ignore it and pretend she is just nutty.... shes calling for help.My Friend is being really annoying and freaking out on me?show them to her parentsMy Friend is being really annoying and freaking out on me?She%26#039;s probably on her period..Hmm.I really wouldent give her the time of day..she has got wayy too many problems and is looking for attention..PS I have a friend like that and it is SOOO iritating!Wow, that actually sounded pretty good. Good job. She%26#039;s too immature to be your friend if she doesn%26#039;t respond well.Consider that maybe your friend is going through more of a tough time than you think and she really needs you to be there to support her. You should talk to her about what%26#039;s really bothering her so you really know what%26#039;s going on. What%26#039;s going on in her life could be way harder than what you faced when you went through that. I totally get how that would be annyoing, because it get%26#039;s annoying. But talk to her and see if she%26#039;s acting like this because of something more serious or something stupid like her parents keep getting mad at her and grounding her, because that%26#039;s really something that would be dumb to get THAT upset about. But you see it could be something more serious. So just talk to her about it.I think your response was good, some people just say these things for attention though if your worried she may be serious maybe talk to her parents and maybe they can get her a counselor?
I can%26#039;t deal with negative people, I%26#039;ve been through a lot of bad things in my life, but still manage to stay positive, I just think, no matter how bad things get there is always someone much worse off than me. Bad attitudes get you nowhere in life.she is probably having a hard time... try to put yourself in her shoes. But if she continuously treats you like that, I don%26#039;t think she is a good friend. She%26#039;s lucky to even have a friend like you. Take care of yourself, Bye! (3you did the best thing any good friend could and must do.It sounds like she%26#039;s looking for drama. She might be seriously upset about things but it looks like she%26#039;s looking for attention the wrong way. I%26#039;ve seen students do this before. It seems like it%26#039;s a part of the way to keep the attention on them and control the situation around them. It gets to be annoying to their friends after a while because there%26#039;s no let up from the drama. Perhaps try to redirect her when she starts being negative. Show her the positive things in her life and tell her that you much prefer her when she%26#039;s positive and not so down. Also let her know that if she has a serious problem, that you%26#039;re there for her but that it can%26#039;t be every other day with one problem after another that seems to just go away after a day. (That%26#039;s the difference between a big problem and a little problem--if it%26#039;s friendship disputes and things like that, it tends to work itself out in a day. It it%26#039;s something more serious that won%26#039;t just work iteself out, then that%26#039;s the time to be there for her.) She probably will get defensive about the mind games comment and be upset about the e-mail but it might be helpful in the long run when she starts calming down and looking at things with a more clear head.Honestly it sounds like she has some issues that need to be worked out. She definitely sounds like she is depressed. How long have you two been friends? If it%26#039;s been awhile then you should try to help her, even though she doesn%26#039;s seem to want it right now. Give her some space...she%26#039;ll come to you eventually. If you%26#039;re really concerned you hsould show the emails to a parent or guidance counselor. They can help you too.
Hope this helps...good luck!Well, maybe you will have to tell her to come over at your place and tell her everything, slowly and try not to make it seem bad as it is. Is she going through something hard? If so, then that;s where all of her stress is coming from! Tell her to relax, take deep calm breaths, and let her explain. Be patient! When she%26#039;s done, tell her what you think she should do. What I would do is to explain why you couldn%26#039;t talk to her on the phone, you said that the batteries were dying so tell her that!
It%26#039;s helpful if she doesn%26#039;t argue back, if she does, calm her down a bit, like make her yell and scream into a pillow or punching something soft, like a pillow.
Also, try to figure out what to do. Don%26#039;t get distracted or get her distracted, just break it out the best you can. If she gets angry at you, explain in e-mail but very %26#039;unharshly%26#039;. She%26#039;s confused and hurt but also mad and torn apart in herself. It takes time for people to come to understand the situation and take action in it but they need help along the way and YOU will be able to help! If you have any more questions, just email me! jenni.ngo843@yahoo.comWell, doesn%26#039;t sound like a real friend to me. If she was your friend she would put aside her feelings to help you, and you should do the same(sounds like you already are). Sure its fine if she gets upset once in a while but everyone does. she sounds a bit suicidal to me. try going to really fun places or do fun things together that might lift her spirits. Try to get her to look past those problems and just be happy God has given her all the wonderful things in her life.seriously.
your approach was really smart.
you told her to lose the %26quot; %26#039;tude%26quot; because you didnt want your and her%26#039;s friendship to be affected.
you did it in the best way possible.
she sounds like shes having a rough time right now.
and you said you have been that way.
use your expierance and help her through it.
what she needs is a friend.
but if she freaks over that letter then she doesnt understand the point of it.
you were trying to help her.
the %26quot;What%26#039;s the point in living?%26quot; part would kinda scare me
have a chat with her.
you said i know then put (hope) if you arent sure if your friend is sucideal then have a heart to heart conversation with her thats way more serious then having some %26quot;problems with the rents or phone taken away%26quot;
talk to her.
tell her you care.
thats the most you can do.