Kerry H: Just because you don't see something doesn't mean it doesn't exist. After all, you are a christian, right? You believe fully in something that no one else can see.... so ... shouldn't that be enough?
Robert Paris: Whoa I never said they do not exist, I said I did not know of any! Please do nt take things out of context.
Kerry H: You said %26quot;I haven't SEEN any%26quot; not that you don't know any. There is a huge difference.
Kerry H: I'm really not taking things out of context - I'm commenting on your replies.
Robert Paris: Well my comment was true I have not seen any therefore from that point I was correct. I have heard that there are coyotes around the area but I can not confirm that for again I HAVE NOT SEEN ANY.
Kerry H: No need to yell.
Kerry H: Are you unable to have a civil conversation w/out yelling?
Robert Paris: Sorry I hit the cap lock, I have big fingers and small keyboard on this laptop
Robert Paris: I was writing the apology when you jumped on the error, then re-worded it!
Kerry H: *sigh* must be nice to be perfect.
Robert Paris: I ahve large hands which serve well in most cases but not when working with a small set of keys. Ah I wish I were even close to perfection but I am not for only Jesus is perfect.
Kerry H: I doubt that highly.
Robert Paris: I was simply stating what had happened
Kerry H: You know, you've met atheists or Pagans or Jews or other non-christians in your life, I'm sure of it. But we don't walk around in big shirts saying %26quot;I don't follow the church%26quot; ...
Kerry H: So your assumption that everyone in your rural neighborhood believes the same as you is just sooo narrow minded and narrow-mindedness it is not what the teachings of Jesus preach.
Robert Paris: I find your manner to be confrontational, and honestly a bit rude. I never said I have not met Jews or Pagans, but I have not to the best of my recollection met any Atheist.
Robert Paris: I know many Jews and some that are Pagan, but again I restate since you seem not to have seen it, To the best of my reccolections I have not met any that claim to follow the Atheist path.
Kerry H: I don't really care how you interpret my manner. Why would I care about your reaction? You think that I'm a horrid person just because I don't believe as you do. You're also so oblivious to the world around you that you don't SEE those who believe differently than you.
Robert Paris: No I do not think you to be a horrid person
Robert Paris: At least not for that. However I do think you disrespectful for trying to put words in my mouth
Robert Paris: I do not do that to you and ask that you refrain from doing it to me, if you cna not abid by that I shall bid you a Good Bye
Kerry H: Oh yes. Bring the 'hollier than thou' attitude and run away. Can't even stand and kindly discuss your previous points.
Robert Paris: You seem to be so fixated in your own views of what I think that you do not hear me
Kerry H: Instead you call me 'disrespectful' and run away. Later then.
Robert Paris: There will be no need for later, you do not dialog you instead run to what you think I am saying and do care to read my words.
kerrisonr: I am reading, just disagreeing. There's a huge difference.
kerrisonr: Just because I don't cow-tow do your mentality doesn't mean I don't read what you have to say.
kerrisonr: Nor do I appreciate your attitude.
Robert Paris: I am neither a Jew nor a Pagan, yet I know many of each in this area. I never claimed there were no Atheist just that I had not met any
kerrisonr: Of course. Change your tune now. That's great. Just one more point to NOT becoming a preachy christian.
Robert Paris: Since we have agreed that we do not appreciate the others attitude I shall remove you from the list of those that contact me.
kerrisonr: I have agreed to nothing. Didn't you just chastise me for putting wordse into your mouth? That's a bit hypocritical, isn't it?
Robert Paris: I have not changed my point I NEVER (yelling so you see) said that I did not know Pagans or Jews. You need to elarn to keep on topic or perhaps your not evolved enough for that
kerrisonr: *sigh*
kerrisonr: Did you just say evolved?? Best not say that again-- you'll get kicked out of the church for that one.
Robert Paris: No things evolve but not from one species to another.
kerrisonr: *tisk tisk* can't have it both ways. Either evolution exists or it doesn't.
Robert Paris: Evolution within species yes but not from one species to another, or why are there still apes?
kerrisonr: Have you ever seen a 'midget cat' ?
Robert Paris: There is a species of moth in England that use to be white but is not black, it evolved to protect itself from preditors since the buildings were dark its white color made it stand out and birds found it easily.
Robert Paris: Anyway, I shall bid you a good evening.
kerrisonr: Sure you will. Without answering my question. Run along now- go sleep well knowing you've yet again run away from a valid discussion which could prove you wrong.
Robert Paris: What question did I not answer?
Robert Paris: Perhaps cut and paste shall be useful
Robert Paris: Ah well I guess that you decided your question on evolution was answered and you had not seen it. Perhaps you should read before you jump to conclusions not supporred by the evidence.Anyone care to evaluate this conversation?It is getting harder to have normal conversations anymore without getting pounced on. God bless you.Anyone care to evaluate this conversation?My evaluation...too much to care to evaluate this conversation?don't feel like reading a book tonightI have ADHD, I couldn't finish reading.....sorry.I am so not reading that. Give me the cliff notes and I'll get back to you.
I did pick up the black/white moth thing...that was more natural selection then pure evolotion and it was because the soot coated everything and allt he white moths were MUCH more visible then before the smoke so they all got eaten leaving only the black ones to live lost me at %26quot;conversation%26quot;.My evaluation: Too long!wow read half and just couldnt do it anymore, too much negativity. neither of them seem to know what they are typing about. religion is not meant to be debated.I evaluate it as long. I got too the point of %26quot;its hard to type on a laptop with big hands%26quot; and i was done...Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Did it ever get interesting? I'm practically comatose from reading that drivel...I think using that copy/paste 'debate' script in chatrooms is still really *#%26amp;@ing annoying and thanksSounds like they both have been drinking. While they rambled on a hungry person somewhere died....Sounds like a rambling p*ssing contest between two semi-educated individuals who happen to think a lot of themselves. But that's just my opinion.None shall pass through the impenetrable wall of copy-and-paste text!yawn.....................Just a long argument between two people who take things way too seriously.sounded a bit nit picky to meJust want to clarify, that's kerry h, not keri gee:pIt seems, as with many philosophical conversations, neither of the participants have much to say, but a lot of emotions built up because of inset attitudes, this type of conversation generally only serves to generate support for one side are the other without ever establishing verifiable proof are even facts on either side, and thus serves no real or substantial purposeLooks like a very grumpy chat room!If i were Robert Paris: I would have stopped wasting my time responding to an obviously more into a confrontation than a conversationin Kerry H.Wow.....where to begin?? *chuckles*
That was a very long conversation that appeared to be about nothing yet obviously was about a subject that got the two of you very riled up. You both seemed to be on the defensive when it came to your beliefs (which I understand).
Otherwise, I say you handled the %26quot;conversation%26quot; fairly well. You stuck to your argument and when you would attempt to make a counter-argument to what was said against you, it was done in as respectful a way as possible. That is up until the very end where it seemed you lost your patience. *lol*
I am wondering a little why you continued the conversation in the first place when it was obvious that it was just heading down hill and straight into an argument?wow.. can't read all of that now! sorry... maybe tomorrow after work... night night... zzz`sSounds like a battle of wits with an unarmed man.Too Long read 80% of it. My Advice let it go Seed was planted if it fell on infertile ground not your fault