Saturday, 24 September 2011
Should we really celebrate "Thanksgiving"? Isn't it supossed to be a time of mourning?
Five-hundred years of betrayal in exchange for friendship? Referring to the Natives. How has this changed your view on Thinksgiving. Will you still celebrate it? Do you agree with those who say that? How has this affected you/your attitude?Should we really celebrate %26quot;Thanksgiving%26quot;? Isn't it supossed to be a time of mourning?Regardless of how the tradition came about or if betrayal was any part of it is a moot point. Thanksgiving should be a daily event not just a day set out of the year for everyone to celebrate. It is a time of reflection not just celebration to look back at the tragedies that have befallen us and to be thankful that we survived these tragedies to be thankful even for the perils that we will appreciate the blessings we have received.Should we really celebrate %26quot;Thanksgiving%26quot;? Isn't it supossed to be a time of mourning?Well we feast instead of fast and feasting leads to bloatedness later in the day. But, a lot of holidays (Ramadan) people appreciate with fasting. So, we don't even celebrate thanksgiving. We indulge. Sorry to sound pessimistic. I like Thanksgiving. But, it is an indulgent day of stuffing and football for my family.