e.g. did an event open your eyes and change your attitudes/views to life.
what was itThroughout your life, how have your attitudes/values changed and what stimulated it?When I was younger, I used to inflict self-harm on myself. The reasons behind why I did it were, for lack of a better word, stupid. The reality was that I was a bored, awkward teenager still trying to fit in with everybody else. As I grew up and grew out of those bad habits I was able to understand myself better. The people who I have told become shocked and then disapproving. I used to believe that what I did to myself was mindless and selfish and it was, I regretted it a great deal. But because I didn't like pitying myself I realized that my past didn't have to be something I should be ashamed of. Although it was bad, I realize that I now have that experience to look back on, to know what not to do, and to know how to help others going through the same situation and most importantly, to be able to truly mean what I say to them because I've been there before.
Since then, I've learned to appreciate myself more, to appreciate and accept the life I've been given because I've realized that being selfish also makes you narrow-minded. I think the entire experience, though unpleasant, has liberated my sense of perspective of life.
Hope that helps~Throughout your life, how have your attitudes/values changed and what stimulated it?reading the dead thinkers changed my whole worldview.Throughout your life, how have your attitudes/values changed and what stimulated it?I don't think of anything unchangeable every thing changes never mind for worst or best there is none exactmeasurementt for attitudes. So yes attitudes chang mine did too towards number of actions mostly because of experiences or even situations I had been . Values can't ever be changedno matterr what or when nothing changes your deepest believes nothing ever touches you that deep. That is exactly why you feel bad after a wrong doing no matter how many times you have done itbe forr once opposite of values remains forever wrong..........many events changed my life and my attitude about my self, for example like there's one time when this girl keep talking to me which made me feel special .And then there's the other time, a guy keep giving stupid comment about me which made me feel angry, but I learnt from it so know what to do next time.
I think all events have purpose, because without them, i wouldn't become like this today,i wouldn't be motivated to write this, so without people complimenting me, I wouldn't be having that positive feeling, . So i appreciate everything that happened because i learnt from it. So to all people that want their attitude changed, keep your head up, be involved as much as you can in any events and you will be a great and worthy person....money, sex, alcohol and drugs changed my attitude/values and perspective of life daily...As a youth my focus was on my own pleasure all the time.
After about 30 I started to focus more on my impact on others and their impact on me. So I became more interactive and social.
As I practiced law I became more self-righteous, and a bit of a crusader (often for unpopular causes -- like women's rights, and government honesty).
After retiring, I became more oriented toward really helping other people become more of what they have the potential to be -- I became a coach -- a guru if you will.
These days I'm in a rage every day about the US ground commitment in Afghanistan which is seems to me is foolhardy and liable to make cannon-fodder out of our troops. My number one priority is to get the Pentagon to re-think the strategy and replace it with an Over-The-Horizon and From-Inside-the-Wire strategy which I'm sure could be done effectively if the Pentagon were less lazy and filled with inertia. Caring is not their strong suit.
Short Version: Started out inside myself, but got out.the movie %26quot;Contact%26quot; eps. line about how there are more stars in the sky than grains of sand on all the beaches in the world
also the quote %26quot;without the Earth nothing on it matters%26quot;. Shifted me to being more enivronmentally aware