Friday, 16 September 2011

Atheists and religious believers this is why conversion is hard?

Your subconscious brain is where you hold your beliefs, attitude, habits, and perceptions. Existing beliefs and habits will overtake your conscious willpower almost every time. If you understand how the subconscious mind works, you can then also understand how to start a subconscious mind reprogramming regimen. You can change your habits and beliefs and get them working for you instead of against you. You can develop a habit of having a positive attitude, a habit of exercising and eating healthy, or a habit of earning more and more money. Any success habit you want can be developed, and once it鈥檚 properly in place, your success is virtually guaranteed.

This reprogramming process involves two basic steps.

1.Use your conscious mind to choose your goals. What do you want to achieve? What beliefs do you want to have? What do you want to have a positive attitude about? What habits do you want to install?

2.Repeatedly impress these goals onto your subconscious mind using affirmations, meditation, visualisation, and hypnosis.

This repetition must be done daily for at least 30 days. Research has repeatedly confirmed that it takes about 30 days to install a new belief or habit. If you miss a day, you must start your count over at day 1. Consistency is one of the key factors in your subconscious mind reprogramming success.

So do you see why it is so hard to convert each other and how pointless it can be, However everything you read on here y/a is going into your subconscious and you will start to think differentially so be careful.

Stop trying to exert your willpower over your subconscious brain. Instead, work with your subconscious to affect change. Install new beliefs and habits and put your positive attitude and success on autopilot. Hard effort now means no effort later!Atheists and religious believers this is why conversion is hard?%26quot;This is the condemnation: That Light is come into the world, but men loved darkness rather than Light!%26quot; (Jn.3:19)

Why would anyone choose darkness? Because darkness seems easier! The light is blinding and burns out all the darkness. A lot of people are not willing to let the light destroy their old ways and old selves.--And when people reject the Truth, God allows them to believe a lie, because after they reject the TRUTH there's nothing left to believe but a lie!

When you've rejected God, you have no god left but Satan!--Like Adam and Eve in the Garden, when they accepted Satan's lies and believed him instead of God, and stole the forbidden fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. (See Gen.3.) The greatest sin was not eating of the fruit, but rejecting God's Truth and believing the Devil's lie and obeying him instead of God! Those who want to believe the Devil's lies will believe them!--But the Holy Spirit will show the Lord's children what's true and what isn't.
Atheists and religious believers this is why conversion is hard?
I agree to an extent... our minds are very powerful, but very vulnerable at the same time...

I don't think conversion is necessarily hard or a process, conversion is very easy if you have a mind that doesn't allow for critical thinking and rational thought
Atheists and religious believers this is why conversion is hard?
Sounds reasonable.
conversion is based in free will. i don't claim to have %26quot;converted%26quot; anyone - that is a God power. i certainly don't repeatedly impress anything on anyone for 30 days! lol....

all i do is tell you what God has done for me, live a life as close to the gospel as i possibly can, and call it a day...

God has converted many people that i know...and it's an amazing story each time...
Not to be rude but it just feels like this came from some Psychology text book or article(it's pretty similar to the ones I used to read). As for your explanation on why Atheists and believers doesn't get along, I think what you said doesn't really has to do much with the entire conflict. I'm sorry but it only sounds like you're seeing things only by surface. And if I'm to point out one more thing, this isn't even a question nor is it even a solution for anything.
Like on Zoolander, right?
Not discussing religion can also be just as effective.
Converting people won't matter because natural selection will eventually root out all religious belief, thus creating a more intelligent, rational society.
You say, %26quot;Stop trying to exert your willpower over your subconscious brain.%26quot;

But then you say %26quot;Instead, work with your subconscious to affect change. Install new beliefs and habits and put your positive attitude and success on autopilot.%26quot;


You want us to have our cake and eat it, too!
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