Friday, 16 September 2011

Guys, why does your behaviour change if a girl says 'lets be friends'?

its like your whole personality is changed and your not the person we use to know.

its like being friends with you has to seem like the hardest thing in the world.

why do you have to make it harder for us when it doesnt even have to be?

i mean, just because you liked us girls doesnt mean that the friendship still isn't there.

its like we don't know who you are anymore and your distance becomes away from us. your attitude is slightly moody and somewhat angry, yet you still do things like help us out or care for us ( well the shy guy i knew did this).

how are we suppose to get back the guy that we once knew?

is it really that much to take in for you guys?

please comment thx ;)Guys, why does your behaviour change if a girl says 'lets be friends'?I honestly don't think single men %26amp; women can be just friends because we always want more. Men are essentially not interested in hanging out with or paling around with women, that's what other guys are for. Women are for affection %26amp; sex. When it is clear that sex will never be an option then we lose most interest. Men don't like drama and women = drama.
Guys, why does your behaviour change if a girl says 'lets be friends'?
you can't always be friends after a relationship, and they aren't as open and caring because they don't want to open themselves up to someone who want take them for more than a friend.

try and look at their perspective.
Guys, why does your behaviour change if a girl says 'lets be friends'?
are you serious? people have feelings and when you are rejected its hard to just go ok sure lets be friends. The guy is in pain , your not going to get him back to the person he was. The best thing you can do is leave him alone and let him move on.

Your only thinking of yourself and dont care that you so called friend is hurting. Your not a true friend at all , leave the poor guy alone