Friday, 16 September 2011

How do you change your routine and life? is it possible for someone who has little willpower?

I need to change my eating habits, sleeping habits and attitude. I eat to much junk and am overweight. I stay up til 2-3AM each night and want to sleep til 11am. My attitude is defeated, but still holding onto a glimmer of hope that I can change. I'm not young either....How do you change your routine and life? is it possible for someone who has little willpower?Yes. Get off your lazy but and change one thing at a time and not everything all at once. Go to bed an hour earlier for a week. Stop eating some of the crap. But you must do it. Do one thing at a time. Change your sleep first:

1.) Go to bed at 1:00 pm for 5 nights and get up at 10 am

2.) Then got to bed at 12:00 and get up at (5 nights)

3.) Go to bed at 11: and get up at 8:00am(5 nights)

4.) Go to bet at 10:30 pm and get up at 7:30 am.


Now the crap food.(Take 2 months to do this)

1.) Eat 3 regular meals. Eat at the table. Eat at the same time.

2.) Drink a lot of water. Don't drink soda.

3.) Cut out the crap food one day at a time.

4.) Be reasonable and don't quit even if you cheat.

5.) Add vegetables and fruits to your diet.

6.) Eat skinless chicken breasts and fish and dump all red meats and cold cuts.

7.) Dump all white bread, white flour, white sugar, fats

8.) Use olive oil and not butter or other oil

I don't know waht you like to eat but it is hard to get out of crappy eating habits.

Stage 3 Exercise: Walking Only


Now you must start to walk everday immediately when you get up. You get up at 7:30 and walk for 20 minutes.

Go home. Shower. Dress. Eat breakfast.

Plan your day.

At night try to walk sometimes too.


You also need to have plans and a purpose. Read something to stimulate your mind.

Take up a hobby.

Work in the garden.

What do you like?

Do something different!!

Get out there and see the world from a different angle.

Cut your hair. Buy a new shirt!

Paint a picture. Make a sculpture. Ride a bike.

Grow plants.

Hike in the woods.


Go fishing.




Join Amnesty International, the Red Cross or green peace...

Write in a journal. Yell and scream. Listen to loud rock music.

Yipeeeee. Yahoooo.

If you feel very bad and are always sad then you should see a doctor for antdepressives but really it looks to mee like you have become stagnant and you need to get off your *** and find something to care about.

You need to have a daily schedule and plans and goals. You need some new dreams. You may like to tale a class and learn something new.

I know you will change. I wish you the best of luck. FIGHT!!!
How do you change your routine and life? is it possible for someone who has little willpower?
WOW are you sure you aren't ME??? LOL

I sleep later than you do.. LOL I am sooooooo lazy.

They say it takes 21 days to change. I can't get past day one let alone 20 more days after that one!!!

I am NOT young either 44 here! 3 kids daughter 14 sons 11 %26amp; 7 yrs.


I have been in a rut for over 7 yrs now. I do suffer from Bi Polar Disorder or Manic Depression. I take several medications to alleviate SOME of the symptoms but not all.

My 14 yr old daugher has been diagnosed with having Dysthymia. Cure is for MOM. LOL to get moving and get HER moving. EXERCISE !!!! among other things. We will see how that works out. LOL

I am the same way, DAY TIME HOURS are NOT FOR ME..... LOL I do better in the afternoon/evening. NEED to change that maybe perhaps NOT. LOL

Yet here it is, 8:47am and I am WIDE AWAKE. I did go to sleep early last night/this morning. IN bed/sleeping by 1am.

Just one of those things WE have to change. GET MOVING I GUESS.. easier said than done.

Hope this helps. Jennifer - email me anytime.
How do you change your routine and life? is it possible for someone who has little willpower?
Set yourself small goals at at time, like, a day without junk food, and when you have achieved this, reward yourself in a small way, eg a walk in the park, then move onto your next %26quot;challenge%26quot;
Baby steps and routines!

Check out FlyLady.Net:
The answer is to make a schedule for the whole week.

Keep a copy in a car in the house and in your purse.

Your first week schedule should be pretty simple.

Make list of what you would like to eat every day just remember you can't go over 1200 calories a day even if you like pizza it's OK to have a slice or two once a week.Write down what exercises you will do each day of the week and how long.Instead of watching TV whole evening, schedule evening walk around the block. Even if you don't stick to your schedule 100% still you will do more with your time than before.Also make an accomplishment list for the whole year(I want to loose 30 lb this year or I want to learn how to swim or to learn Spanish)and if you stick to your list promise your self that you will go on vacation or buy that leather jacket you wanted .

I don't know if it sounds silly to you but it works :)

Schedule helps to train your power will.(if you skip workout you will feel guilty but if you don't schedule one than you feel sorry for the rest of your life and nothing will change for good).

Remember only you control your habit.