Friday, 16 September 2011

How do you go from being pessimistic and negative towards positive and optimistic?

I have made a complete turn around from the sweet bubbly person I used to be, depression and years of abuse have had a lot to do with changing the way I was into what I have become now. I hate feeling this way and I want to know how to change this.

I'm tired of always being down, and I need an attitude adjustment. It's like I changed almost over night and for two years now I have been fighting it.. How do you change your attitude after you have become something you don't want to be something that you hate?How do you go from being pessimistic and negative towards positive and optimistic?As you probably imagined, it's hard. Very hard. I could go on for pages describing what kind of a hateful, negative, SOB I use to be. People who have only recently met me have a hard time believing it.

I found help from a variety of sources, but there is an AMAZING book called The Art of Happiness by the Dahli Lama that seemed to pull alot of things together. It's not like most self help books, this is very easy to follow, its very practical and it all makes sense. Its basically a guide to help you change your negative thinking.

You can also look online for subjects such as cognitive restrucuring, and %26quot;Thinking Errors%26quot;.

There's also another book called The Four Agreements, which is based on ancient Toltec beliefs, that basically teaches the same thing.

Just don't expect it to be easy, or to be able to change overnight. But it can be done, I promise.
How do you go from being pessimistic and negative towards positive and optimistic?
normally, if you go from being happy to very sad, you have examine what in your life has made you this way. these negative things in your life you must move on from. surround yourself with positive feedback and positive people that will support you. Dont keep yourself in your old situation. you must make a new start for yourself. go back to things that use to make you happy. depression sometimes is clinical problem and you might want to see your doctor if you feel nothing is making you better. sometimes people need therapy to get through the hard times they went through. examine how you feel and figure out the best plan of action. life is too short to be miserable. some times i am having such a bad day and it feels as if nothing is going right, but then i see or heard about people having a worst time then me and my problems go away. so take some time, figure out who you are and who you want to be, and take the steps in becoming that person. i know you can make something good of yourself if you try. its in us all we just have to use that energy for something positive.
How do you go from being pessimistic and negative towards positive and optimistic?
The fact that you have recognized your negative patterns is a good first step. I have been in negative slumps that have lasted years and years. As silly as it may sound, I write down things I'm thankful for when I get particularly negative. Even it if something extremely minor (like toothpaste), it helps shift your thinking from what is wrong with everything to what is right about it. The Four Agreements is a great book, as is %26quot;The Secret.%26quot; The more you focus on what is positive, the more naturally positive things will come your way. Good luck!