how have your attitudes changed on things like a a national security force or the war on terror?
can you track when you changed your mind and tie them to what was going on in politics at the time?Obama supporters: what attitudes have changed in the last few months?they sould relize by now - he wants America to failObama supporters: what attitudes have changed in the last few months?My attitudes changed to stop trying to be bipartisian in any way shape or form.
In the last two weeks, I've also realized that the Libertarian party, which I used to respect, is getting almost all of its news and history (except for the Cato Institute) from Club for Growth and Heritage Foundation directed talking points including %26quot;FDR did not solve the Depression%26quot;, %26quot;Global Warming isn't real%26quot; etc etc.
Libertarians are different than Republicans. They have a much different mind set, but they get their NEWS from the same place.Obama supporters: what attitudes have changed in the last few months?I don't think my opinions have changed. But I know that the congress has definitely done a 180 when it comes to bailing out these huge company's When bush was in office rep's were all for it and dem's against now that a dem's in office its the other way as usual.....theres no real difference in any of them......OK LET THE THUMBS DOWNS BEGIN ZEALOTS
Thanks tuna T. one up from me too...He has been taken over by the military-industrial complex.TruBlu75, I give you thumb up.Absolutely.
I was very calm, peaceful and full of contentment.
Then I hears some Republican Talking Points. Steam immediately came out of my ears. My blood pressure grew. I had a stoke and a heart attack and had to get to my pills real quick.
You see, what the Republicans were saying is that Obama was responsible for the recession, because he is now president for 40 days. Even though George Bush was not responsible for 9-11, and the housing panic was caused by Carter (no, the younger guy when he was president), and that Reagan's recession was, yes, also caused by Carter. But for some reason, Obama now 'owns' the recession, and nary a dollar has been spent from his stimulus package.