Has anyone changed their stance on Barack Obama since learning that his VP pick was Sen. Joe Biden?
I'm talking to everyone...whether you liked him or not...does this change your attitude toward the candidate in anyway, shape, or form?How do you feel about the Obama/Biden Ticket?Yes. I was undecided, but now will be voting for Obama now that I know someone as experienced as Biden will be on the ticket.How do you feel about the Obama/Biden Ticket?Two lightweights!!How do you feel about the Obama/Biden Ticket?I like Joe Biden. He's very entertaining.I have couple of months until I make up my mind if I like Joe Biden.Yes, it makes more even more convinced that Obama should be the next president.it was my dream ticket from the start. I wanted both of them to be president :)not really, I used to have a great deal of respect for Mr Biden and may have voted for him had he run for president but Mr Obama in my opinion is not qualified for the job on many levelsAs a Hillary supporter, I will reserve to comment until after both conventions.
Senator Biden I do not know much of and disagree with some of his things he said before.