Friday, 16 September 2011

Moms and dads, how did your sexuality change during pregnancy?

How did your attitudes or behaviors about sex change during pregnancy? Were you more or less interested in your partner? Did your frequency increase or decrease?

I'm an expectant father (baby boy in November!!!!) and write several blogs for expectant fathers and would like to know what women think about sexuality and pregnancy.

Thanks!Moms and dads, how did your sexuality change during pregnancy?I had absolutely no sex drive, which made my boyfriend want it even more. Luckily, I had the baby almost 4 weeks ago and have my sex drive back already. I was worried that I'd never want it again lol
Moms and dads, how did your sexuality change during pregnancy?
my sex drive went down the hill. But i still try my best to pleasure my man in other ways. As much as i don't want to but just wanna make him happy
Moms and dads, how did your sexuality change during pregnancy?
well personally right now... i'd rather lay on the bathroom floor then have sex.. i feel terrible all day long.... and my husband seems to want nothing but's like his drive kicked up 10 notches and he's back to be 16 and horny all the time! Not to mention he says that his orgasms are way more intense than usual
Well my attitude for sex changed alot i dont like to have it at all well me my spouse well he is still the same it looks like he didnt change at all ..i feel like having sex during pregnancy can hurt my baby but it doesnt unless you have a high risk pregnancy but i feel real uncomftable having sex i have no intrest at all
Before I became preggo, my boyfriend wanted it all day everyday and I couldn't keep up lol (we have been together 4 years)

Now that I am preggo I try to knock his boots off every time he looks my way LMAO. My my how the roles have changed, Now he's the one running from me. He's scared he will hurt the baby. PLEASE! The only one in danger is him lol.

Haha. My husband and I talk about this a lot. Since we got pregnant (we tried for over a year) sex has been a lot more frequent, spotaneous, and interesting. I guess it's because when we were trying to concieve it was like, %26quot;Okay, we have to have sex starting on day 10 of my cycle and skip every other day...blahblahblah.%26quot; This way we do what we want when we want to, and it's awesome!
When I was still with the father of my child, my libido went up 10-fold. I was very sexually charged, all the time, and enjoyed it even more. I enjoyed the intimacy more, the orgasms were more intense, and I craved sex pretty much all the time. I was still very interested in my partner, and he was in me too, bc it was a more %26quot;free experience%26quot; bc the pressure was off about birth control, and were more free to just enjoy the act and time together.

I still crave it, and would enjoy it just as much now, but am abstinent now that I am single again.
With my first two, my sex drive went down the pooper. I wasn't nearly as interested in the act of it. I was still incredibly attracted to my husband, don't get me wrong, I just didn't want to have sex. I wanted to kiss and cuddle more than anything.

With my 3rd pregnancy, I was (excuse the expression) hornier than a 16 year old boy! My sex drive increased dramatically. More so than at any point and time of our entire marriage.
I am 23 years old and have two children. An almost 4yr old and almost 3yr old. Both of my pregnancies in the first trimester i did not want to be touched. 2nd trimester couldn't have gotten enough. Last part of pregnancy did not want to be touched.
At first, I did not want to have any sex at all, but around the 20 week mark I started to get pretty horny!
i am currently 21 weeks and at the beginning i never wanted sex as i felt yuck all the time and that was the last thing on my mind and now it another reason i have had cramps through out the whole thing so far and it hurts to much to have sex so basically i have given up trying.
the first time my sex drive went up, but the second time my sex drive has gone down. my husband has been very understanding about it which is nice. pregnant women are usually more sensitive and pressuring them to have sex if they don't feel like it may make them feel used or upset, but if you deny them sex when they want it you may upset them also and make them feel unwanted or unattractive. just be sensitive to her needs and make her feel beautiful! congrats and good luck!
my sex drive went up with both my kids. Like I wanted it all the time...but not when I had morning sickness. But ya I was very,very Horney
After the initial wooziness passed I couldn't get enough of my husband. I've always been reserved, maybe even shy, about that sort of stuff, but after getting pregnant I became much bolder and I guess more demanding. (I apologize if that was TMI, but that was one of the most noticeable changes for me in this department)

Now things aren't happening really because of the obvious limitations that go along with being at the end of the third trimester, but if it weren't so darned difficult, I'd still be all over him!
I am 16 weeks preg with my third child, the pattern i have noticed with myself is that i don't want to even be looked at in the first trimester, however the second is always a very different story and i find myself more interested than ever. In the third trimester i tolerate intimacy for the sake of my partner.