Friday, 16 September 2011

Accutane: What's your story?

Generic Name: isotretinoin (oral) (EYE so TRET i noyn)

Brand Names: Accutane, Amnesteem, Claravis, Sotret

What side effects did you suffer from?

What's your story?

I was on Accutane when I was in grade 7%26amp;8 (when I was 12 and 13)

I suffered from CHRONIC nose bleeds, sensitive skin (I couldn't go out in the sun), and suicidal thoughts(by the end). My eyes were often GLASSY looking, and apparently I acted and looked like I was stoned. I had to go to the doctors for checkups regularly, and get blood tests done each couple of weeks to make sure the drug wasn't hurting my LIVER.

By the end, I had a suicidal episode where I tried to commit, but didn't because my mom was there. It was the WEIRDEST and most BIZARRE of my life, she kept talking to me the entire time, I was crying but there was no tears, and everything she said wouldn't register, it just was going in one ear and out the other.

Accutane worked for me...when NOTHING else did. I didn't have CHRONIC acne, but it was bad enough that I felt like accutane was my last resort.

The sad part is, when you're on the drug, you don't realize how you're changing...your attitude ect, because you're stuck inside the world of the drug. But now I can look back and see how much the drug changed me, that's why it's a good idea to be severely monitored while on the drug.

My doctor told me (before I was on the drug), NOT to look up Accutane on the internet because all I would find about it was the suicide stories, and he said that that wasn't true.

Well after being on the drug, I know for a fact that it DOES give you suicidal thoughts. I don't know if I would have actually killed my self if I had the chance, but I was definitely thinking about it.

I just want to talk to people who know someone who has been on it, or someone who themself has been on it.

I want to hear your story, to relate.

:DAccutane: What's your story?I've been on accutane twice, and am on it for the third time.

My old doctor made me take blood tests every other month and take a pregnancy test by peeing in a cup. I took it every single day.

Now I have a new doctor who never makes me take blood tests, just a pregnancy test. This is because it's somewhat of a low dose, and only twice a week.

The first couple of times I had a VERY DRY, BLOODY nose. It was very painful. I had extremely chapped lips and the corners of my lips would always crack and bleed. I had peeling, sensitive, red, skin. I had pretty severe acne at the time (middle school).

Now, I am doing great on Sotret. I don't have any side effects except for chapped lips (not too bad, though) and my nose sometimes gets a little dry.

However, I've never had suicidal thoughts and my attitude hasn't changed at all. Your case seems so extreme but yes, I guess it does happen sometimes. My brother was on the pill for two months and had to stop because he was getting depressed and having nightmares and was very emotional.

I'm lucky I haven't had too bad of an experience with it especially this third time, being in high school. I think it's been a success for me and a miracle!