Friday, 16 September 2011

What, in your opinion, constitutes "old age"?

I've been doing a lot of thinking about getting older recently with the loss of one of my favorite artists ever, Dan Fogelberg, who died last month at %26quot;only%26quot; 56. I remember being in my 20's and hearing my parents talk about someone dying and saying they were still young and %26quot;only%26quot; 50-something and I actually thought at the time (me being so young and incredibly naive back then) that anyone over 50 was really old. Hah! It's funny how time has a way of changing your attitude about things. Now I'm like my parents and thought how unfortunate to have lost someone so incredibly talented as Dan Fogelberg at such a %26quot;young%26quot; age, and knowing now that, yes, that is truly young. I was just curious about others' thoughts on when you think you really have %26quot;crossed that line%26quot; and are now officially %26quot;old%26quot; - or do you ever get there? Is %26quot;old age%26quot; just a state of mind? If we could age with the right attitude (which is hard sometimes, I know), maybe we wouldn't fear it so much. Your thoughts?What, in your opinion, constitutes %26quot;old age%26quot;?I think it is a state of mind. My grandparents were all over 100 when they died. But they were walking under their own power, still laughing, still living life. They travelled and enjoyed to company of family and friends until the day they died.

I am in my late 40s and I still rollerblade with my kids (22, 21 and 19 year olds), we hike, ride horses, they taught me to ride a motorcycle! This summer we try skydiving.

I am in my 40s but I don't feel it. When I look at others my age and see that they have accepted they are old, they do look and act old. Life is too short.

When it is my turn to go, I plan on skidding in sideways with tires screeching and laughing loudly saying, %26quot;Whew! What a ride!%26quot;
What, in your opinion, constitutes %26quot;old age%26quot;?
Thank you very much, and Happy New Year. I picked up this attitude from my grandparents. I learned so much from them. Have a good life my friend.

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What, in your opinion, constitutes %26quot;old age%26quot;?
I really don't think of getting older aging but that

life is just continuing.I don't believe in an age but just to live the life that the good lord gaveme and when i get there my age will not be required.

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any one older than me
It depends on whether you call yourself old if you don't your not old. So in a way nobody's old, unless their a yoda. LOL!
Old age:

At age 40 your eyes no longer see a mile ahead or words right in front of you, and you need bifocals.

Old age:

When you turn to someone younger and ask %26quot;what did he/she say?%26quot; because you've used your ears as shock absorbers to loud rock music for years.

Old age:

When you get out of bed and every bone creaks and aches and you utter sounds like %26quot;uhhhhh%26quot; every morning.

Old age:

When you get up at 3 am to go to the bathroom because you can't wait until the alarm goes off at 6am.

Old age:

You can't eat fried foods like you used to.

Old age:

You look forward to eating dinner early, going to matinees at the theater, and other options so you can get the senior discount.

Old age:

Your doctors are now all older than you. You remember when it was the other way around!
In my opinion, it is a state of mind. My parents just turned 40 and they already believe that they have %26quot;crossed that line%26quot; simply because their parents died before they were even near 60. I really hate that they do this because I don't think 40 is old at all, but they have certainly experienced a lot of pain in their lifetime too, and nobody can erase that...
Old Age is when you no longer have the drive to get up and do something and have nothing to look forward to.
I like the phrase..%26quot;I'm not old, I've just lived a really long time%26quot;..I think once you're are considered old age...althought there are many, many people that old that are still so vibrant, face it,,,,you're old!!
I think someone gets old when they get stuck in their ways.

I know some people in their 80's who are more fun to be around then some people in their 20's.

I didn't know that Dan Fogelberg had died,sorry to hear that.
You know you are getting old when...

1. You and your teeth don't sleep together.

2. You try to straighten out the wrinkes in your socks and discover your aren't wearing any.

3. You wake up looking like your passport picture.

4. Your idea of a night out is sitting on the patio.

5. Happy hour is a nap.

6. It takes longer to rest than it did to get tired.

7. Your memory is short and your complaining lasts longer.

8. It takes twice as long - to look half as good.

9. Your idea of weight lifting is standing up.

10. You wonder how you could be over the hill when you don't even remember being on top of it.

:) :) :) :) :)

Happy new year
