Friday, 16 September 2011

How do you get a talkshow/celeberty (Oprah) to help you change your life?

My life is just a total mess, I am really wanting to change %26amp; be a different person but I feel as though so many things are holding me back. One big problem are my finances, my state of mind ( I am emotionally drained) %26amp; my overall sad attitude...sometimes I wish I could tell Oprah %26amp; she could get me a great counsler %26amp; financial adviser %26amp; help me get everything started. I know there are millions of peopel asking for help/attention so I am discouraged to even write. I know that if my life, my entire life wwas a movie it would be a blockbuster lol I am working on the happy ending. My story is unbelivable, but true. So how do you get the attention of someoone that is capable of helping...I am at work %26amp; my internet access is restricted so if you can get me email addresses that would be great as well! thanks a million!How do you get a talkshow/celeberty (Oprah) to help you change your life?I think that the only person in this world that can help you is YOU! Asking for help from a celebrity is like taking a risk with all of your money. You need to talk to people who you trust who can actually make a huge difference in your life. If you think there aren't avenues out there for people who need them you're wrong. You can get counselling through churches and non profit organizations you can get money counselling and you can ask people and find ones out there to depend on.

Just remember in this world the only person who can make you feel the way you do is you.

Start looking in your community for people who can help you.
How do you get a talkshow/celeberty (Oprah) to help you change your life?
Oprah cannot help you, only YOU can help you!
How do you get a talkshow/celeberty (Oprah) to help you change your life?
Well, you have to take the first step... and that is to write a letter or better yet send a video which is short (2-4 minutes)

You might want to try Dr Phil and Tyra too.

You do need to be %26quot;entertaining%26quot; and by that I don't mean you singing and dancing, but it has to be a story that intrigues.

Good luck.
well i dont think i have someones email but i think the reason people tell oprah or anyone else is because they are ready for everone to know %26amp; ready to let everything out , if yor ready then you could. but you know what you dont even have to go to oprah or anyone can start all over. try talking with or looking for a councilor or something so you can talk personaly. i hope it all works out : )
I'm sorry to hear about that.


I don't think there is an e-mail address, i think you have to click on one that applies to you and fill some things out.


I think this one is the same deal as oprah's
when you watch Oprah get the # at the end of the show or go to and tell her what your going through with your abusive controlling out of control boyfriend that wont leave you alone and how your struggling to survive
just tell her you are black...and need a free car
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