You were right to tell him to either change jobs or shut the heck up. Sometimes you just have to put your foot down. So what if he got mad? Oh, well. Keep repeating the same refrain: %26quot;Sorry you had a bad day, but if it's really that bad then go into another line of work. Yes, I'm willing to listen every once in a while. Yes, I sympathize. But no, I'm not your personal sounding board. Fix or change it, I don't care... just stop making yourself and me miserable!%26quot;How often is TOO often to complain about your job...?I like your %26quot;thinking%26quot; ! Good for you ! %26quot;Change attitude or change job%26quot;! I can't stand it when people constantly %26quot;moan and complain%26quot; !How often is TOO often to complain about your job...?If he works construction and is working right now he should be happy!
Most construction workers are slow at best right now!True, you could be a good listener and just lend him your ear and shoulder when he needs to vent. But tell him also, that he should listen to you as well... and you can only listen to him vent so much without giving back your advice of how to %26quot;fix%26quot; his job problems.
I think your advice is logical, and anyone would get tired of hearing someone constantly complain...
Logically speaking - if something like a job makes you miserable, then time to change it. But to sit around moping and whining about it only makes everyone around you miserable as well.
Misery loves company... and I think he is trying to bring you down with him.
Just encourage him to keep searching for a job he actually enjoys doing.There are actually quite a few people for whom complaining is just one way they have of coping and relating. There are others who are not able to complain safely anywhere but at home. Work is a HUGE part of someone's life, and with many people is tied up with their identity, so it's completely natural to talk about work. He may just need a sounding-board and/or reassurance, but if you really can't tolerate it, tune it out or let it go in one ear and out the other. Rejecting what he says and feels about something so important to him can be seen by him as your rejection of him. (And as my grandmother used to say, when a wife won't listen she can be sure that there is some other woman out there who will be glad to do so.)