Monday 17 October 2011

What is the nicest thing anyone has said to you?....?

about you as a person, what you did, and how has it impacted, or changed your outlook and attitude about the kind of person you are now?What is the nicest thing anyone has said to you?....?For me that would have to be when my father told me i have the supposedly, gift to care for other people, whether it be with advice or a medical approach. I am not fully in medicine, but do want to study psychology, or sociology. I guess that impacted me more than i thought.
What is the nicest thing anyone has said to you?....?
when my mom was very ill with cancer..she said that i gave her %26quot;hope%26quot;.

hope is probably the most important emotion we can have and give.

the hope that things will get's about staying as positive as you can..even when things are very dire.
What is the nicest thing anyone has said to you?....?
My mom told me when I moved out all the plants died because I was the sun shine in the house. There are some other things I have been told, but if I tell you then I would have to kill you. Have a good day sir.
I love you, said my mother
when my friends and i gathered to share comment about each other when it was my turn. he said, %26quot; you have no problem you are nice as you are%26quot; that was very nice and sweet and guess what now we are dating.( i am only 14 and he is 17) but he still loves me as i love him
%26quot;I love you%26quot; (coming from my mom and sis) love them more than life its-self